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Titan Novel 48

Titan Novel 48

Chapter 48 

I arrive at the Winchester home the next morning, after Nina has already dropped Cecelia off at school. I park outside the metal gate surrounding their property. I’ve never been in a house that was protected by a gate before, much less lived there. But this swanky Long Island neighborhood seems to be all gated houses. Considering how low the crime rate is around here, it seems like overkill, but who am I to judge? Everything else being equal, if I had a choice between a house with a gate and a house with no gate, I’d pick the gate too

The gate was open when I arrived yesterday, but today it’s closed. Locked, apparently. I stand there a moment, my two duffel bags at my feet, trying to figure out how to get inside. There doesn’t seem to be any sort of doorbell or buzzer. But that landscaper is on the property again, crouched in the dirt, a shovel in his hand

Excuse me!I call out

The man glances over his shoulder at me, then goes back to digging. Real nice

Excuse me!I say again, loud enough that he can’t ignore me

This time, he slowly, slowly gets to his feet. He’s in absolutely no hurry as he ambles across the giant front lawn to the entrance to the gate. He pulls off his thick rubber gloves and raises his eyebrows at me

Hi!I say, trying to hide my annoyance with him. My name is Millic Calloway, and it’s my first day working here. I’m just trying to get inside because Mrs. Winchester is expecting me.” 

He doesn’t say anything. From across the yard, I had only noticed how big he isat least a head taller than me, with biceps the size of my thighs –but up close, I realize he’s actually pretty hot. He looks to be in his midthirties with thick jetblack hair damp from exertion, olive skin, and rugged good looks. But his most striking feature is his eyes. His eyes are very blackso dark, I can’t distinguish the pupil from the iris. Something about his gaze makes me take a step back

So, um, can you help me?I ask

The man finally opens his mouth. I expect him to tell me to get lost or to show him some ID, but instead, he lets loose with a string of rapid Italian. At least, I think it’s Italian. I can’t say I know a word of the language, but I saw an Italian movie with subtitles once, and it sort of sounded like this

Oh,” I say when he finishes his monologue. So, umno English?” 

English?he says in a voice so heavily accented, it’s clear what the answer is. No. No English.” 

Great. I clear my throat, trying to figure out the best way to express what I needto tell him. So II point to my chest. I am working. For Mrs. Winchester.I point to the house. And I need to getinside.Now I point to the lock on the gate. Inside.” 

He just frowns at me. Great

I’m about ready to dig out my phone and call Nina when he goes off to the side, hits some sort of switch, and the gates swing open, almost in 

slow motion

Once the gates are open, I take a moment to gaze up at the house that will be my home for the foreseeable future. The house is two stories plus the attic, sprawling over what looks like about the length of a city block in Brooklyn. It’s almost blindingly whitepossibly freshly paintedand the architecture looks contemporary, but what do I know? I just know it looks like the people living here have more money than they know what to do with

I start to pick up one of my bags, but before I can, the guy picks up both of them without even grunting and carries them to the front door for me. Those bags are very heavythey contain literally everything I own aside from my carso I’m grateful he volunteered to do the heavy lifting for me

Gracias,I say

He gives me a funny look. Hmm, that might have been Spanish. Oh well

I point to my chest. Millie,I say

Millie.He nods in understanding, then points to his own chest. I am Enzo.” 

Nice to meet you,I say awkwardly, even though he won’t understand me. But God, if he lives here and has a job, he must have picked up a little English

Piacere di conoscerti,” he says

I nod wordlessly. So much for making friends with the landscaping guy

Millie,he says again in his thick Italian accent. He looks like he has something to say, but he’s struggling with the language. You” 


8:29 AM 

Chapter 48 

He hisses a word in Italian, but as soon as we hear the front door start to unlock, Enzo hurries back to where he had been crouched in the front yard and makes himself very busy. I could just barely make out the word he said. Pericolo. Whatever that means. Maybe it means he wants a soft drink. Peri colanow with a twist of lime

Millic!Nina looks delighted to see me. So delighted that she throws her arms around me and squashes me in a hug. I’m so glad you decided to take the job. I just felt like you and I had a connection. You know?” 

That’s what I thought. She got a gut feelingabout me, so she didn’t bother to do the research. Now I just have to make sure she never has any reason not to trust me. I have to be the perfect employee. Yes, I know what you mean. I feel the same way.” 

Well, come in!” 

Nina grabs the crook of my elbow and leads me into the house, oblivious to the fact that I’m struggling with my two pieces of luggage. Not that I would have expected her to help me. It wouldn’t have even occurred to her

I can’t help but notice when I walk inside that the house looks very different from the first time I was here. Very different. When I came for the interview, the Winchester house was immaculate1 could have eaten off any surface in the room. But now, the place looks like a pigsty. The coffee table in front of the sofa has six cups on it with varying amounts of different sticky liquids in them, about a dozen crumpled newspapers and magazines, and a dented pizza box. There’s clothing and garbage strewn all over the living room and the dining table still has the remains of dinner last night

As you can see,Nina says, you haven’t arrived a moment too soon!” 

So Nina Winchester is a slobthat’s her secret. It’s going to take me hours to get this place in any decent condition. Maybe days. But that’s fine -I’ve been itching to do some good honest hard work. And I like that she needs me. If I can make myself invaluable to her, she’s less likely to fire me ifor when she finds out the truth

Let me just put my bags away,I tell her. And then I’ll get the entire place tidied up.” 

Nina lets out a happy sigh. You are a miracle, Millie. Thank you so much. AlsoShe grabs her purse off the kitchen counter and rifles around inside, finally pulling out the latest iPhone. I got you this. I couldn’t help but notice you were using a very outdated phone. If I need to reach you, I’d like you to have a reliable means of communication.” 

I hesitantly wrap my fingers around the brandnew iPhone. Wow. This is really generous of you, but I can’t afford a plan-” 

She waves a hand. I added you to our family plan. It cost almost nothing.” 

Almost nothing? I have a feeling her definition of those two words is very different from mine

Before I can protest further, the sound of footsteps echoes on the stairs behind me. I turn around, and a man in a gray business suit is making his way down the stairwell. When he sees me standing in the living room, he stops short at the base of the stairs, as if shocked by my presence. His eyes widen further when he notices my luggage

Andy!Nina calls out. Come meet Millie!” 

This must be Andrew Winchester. When I was googling the Winchester family, my eyes popped out a bit when I saw this man’s net worth. After seeing all those dollar signs, the home theater and the gate surrounding the property made a bit more sense. He’s a businessman, who took over his father’s thriving company, and has doubled the profits since. But it’s obvious from his surprised expression that he allows his wife to handle most of the household matters, and it’s apparently flat out slipped her mind to tell him she’s hired a livein housekeeper


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Titan Novel

Titan Novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:
Titan Novel


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