Chapter 149
I have never felt so hurt and stupid in my entire life.
I made my way back to my room, my face hot with anger and shame. All the things I said to the king replayed in my head and made me cringe.
But he started it. Why should I be left feeling angry!!
1 paused in front of my room and turned down the hall. What would it cost me to make my way over to Caldan’s room and make him do all those things I told the king he does?
1 grit my teeth hard. My resolve faltered and died inside me..
I’m not that brazen. It’s one thing to say all those things and it’s an entirely different thing to do them.
And not to mention dinner. In that restaurant, the things Caldan said to me.
I walked into my room and laid on my bed. I felt a slight chill from staying out too long. I laid awake, my eyes on the ceiling.
Deep down, I wanted to tell Caldan I wasn’t interested anymore. But what will happen to me if I dared say those words to him?
In the past, prior to today, I believed he would have been nice about it. And said something like “sure, you can go. But now that I’ve seen just the tiniest glimpse of who he is beneath all that cheerfulness, I’m scared.
I’m scared of what he’ll do to me. If he’s able to harbour such hatred towards the king, his own brother, and yet smile and act
doing the same with me? like nothing is weird….who’s to say he’s not
I turned over and laid on my side.
My life would be doomed. Sim
And now that I have no one. No family. No friends. Nothing. Even the king doesn’t care about me anymore. Who would save me if Caldan decided to turn on me?
No one.
I sighed heavily and willed sleep to come.
I wish I can just be free. Have my life back in my hands. Free to do whatever I want or go wherever I want without all this drama.
It’s funny. I thought that not being a slave would mean I would have my freedom back. But now that I’m technically a “princess “And not a slave, I still feel very much like a prisoner in this place.
I fucking hate it. It i had my way, I would leave here. Go king. Ever again.
a very far
pack, somewhere cold. And I will never see the
Caldan must have shown me his true nature for
I must play this well. If he so much as senses me about to tap out I have no idea what would happen next. I have to make him trust me. That way he’ll reveal more of his plans to me.
But to get closer to him, I know that I’d not be able
dodge his advances for much longer. Since we’re dating now,
he would
09:34 Wed, Jan 8 C
Chapter 119
want us to get closer.
I don’t think I can have sex with him.
I doubt I’d ever let that happen.
Someone is shaking the bed, trying to wake me up.
“Miss. Please.”
“Who…” I groaned, my eyes squeezed tight.
“Miss. It’s urgent.”
I opened my eyes and turned. Rose stood over me, her eyes full of worry. I looked around, the sun was shining brightly through the window. I sat up and rubbed as much sleep out of my eyes.
“Rose, what’s the matter?”
“There’s a man here to see you.” She said. Her hands wringed together in worry.
“Who is it?”
“He says his name is Acheron.”
My blood ran cold. “Acheron?!” I screamed. I jumped out of bed, alarm zapped through my body. “What…what does he want?”
“He needs to see you. That’s all he said.”
I ran my fingers through my hair and groaned. “Rose. Tell him I won’t be seeing him.”
Rose looked worried and she had all right to be.
Acheron is a friend of the king. Turning him away will be interpreted as disrespect. But right now I don’t care.
Caldan made me a princess. And I can choose who I want to see or not.
“Yes miss.” Rose said and walked out.
She returned some minutes later looking even more worried. “Miss. He threatened to come
get you
Anger rose in my veins and I wished for a good minute that I had those powers do I’d skewer him.
“Tell him that I will not come to him.” I said.
Rose bowed and left.
I took a shower and got dressed, and Rose wasn’t back yet. I began to think that maybe it had all been resolved.
Until a thunderous knock sounded outside my
“Sabrina! You better come out or I’ll get you out myself!” Acheron’s voice screamed in anger.
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Chapter 149
“You can go fuck yourself.” I snapped back at him.
The door flew off it’s hinges in a way that could only be magic. fshattered into a million splinters. I screamed and covered my head.
“Want to say that again?!” Acheron said as he made his way into the room.
My goodness he looks pissed.
“Fuck you! Go fuck yourself!” I spat back at him.
I had hoped that he won’t notice me at that birthday party. But luck was once again, against me.
He stormed into the room and up to me. I stumbled back from him but he was faster. He grabbed my arm and began to drag me out.
“You’re coming with me, witch.” He said in a dark tone.
“Let me go!” I screamed and hit at his arm. He didn’t even budge. Once again I cursed my weakness. I wished I had those powers he accused me of having.
Why won’t they come when I want them to?!
A few steps to the door, Acheron paused. I looked up to see Caldan. My heart leapt for joy.
His eyes turned dark with anger. “What the hell is happening here?!”