Chapter 148
Xander’s POV:
The existence of the mage made me realize that there were other creatures way older than me.
1 could clearly remember the day my mother called me in and introduced her new friend to me.
“Sweetie, this is Taryn. She’s a good friend of mine. Why don’t you say hi?” She had said, her voice as kind as I remembered.
Taryn was a strange woman, I noticed right off the bat. She was too tall, and too slender. She wore a large hat that hid most of her face, leaving only her lips and chin visible. I remember my fascination back then at the tall woman in our drawing room. She knelt down and bowed.
“My prince,” She spoke in a voice that was unlike anything I’d ever heard before. “Taryn, the mage, at your service.”
And so I knew her.
The hat did come off at one point, and I saw her full face. She had eyes that were entirely dark, like a well of black, shiny oil. No white and no irises to be seen. And her ears, they were very pointy. I was terrified to see her face very beautiful – but mother explained to me that she was different.
even though she was
“She’s an elf, you see.” Mother had said. “But don’t worry. She won’t ever hurt you. I trust her with my life.” And so I grew to see the scary elf mage differently. My mother trusted her, that meant I could trust her too.
Little did I know she would become an integral part of my life.
Taryn was one of the few people who knew of my true nature. She was there the day I got cursed. She had tried to lift it but failed.
As I travelled, those memories assaulted me. Hitting me hard like a ton of bricks.
I had almost forgotten what life was like when I was normal. Back when I was a young alpha with no unfortunate curse clinging to me. I had a life. I was a prince, I was social. Sure I had always been more powerful and stronger than most wolves my age, but not to the point that I could travel at insane speeds and compel people to do my wishes, and burn at the slightest ray of sun that touched me.
It felt like it had been millennia. I couldn’t remember the feel of the sun on my skin. The euphoria of watching the sun rise. At the back of my mind I used to like watching sunrises.
I didn’t miss any of that, not exactly. But one part of the curse plagued me more than anything..
Katherine and I got mated before I was cursed. I still remember what life was like for those blissful months with her. The passion and love we had between us. She was the first woman I fell in love with, and I loved her dearly.
At first all was rosy and beautiful.
Whenever we
had sex, I loved to bite her. It was one thing my wolf loved – staking claim on our mate through bites.
But then came the dreadful night of the curse. Everything was blurred. I didn’t know the details, I didn’t know how severe such a curse was. Everything changed over night. I felt myself morph into another person.
An abomination.
I didn’t know how bad it was till I held Katherine in my arms, screaming in pain as her life slipped out of her. The puncture holes on her neck from my bite didn’t heal. Black veins spread out from them all across her body.
17:53 Tue, Jan 7 BBB.
Chapter 148
My bite killed her.”
I refused to take such a change again, refused to let anyone get that close to me. My bite would kill my mate, what’s the point of getting one?
I love Katherine. I never have been affected by another woman. Not in the long years of my life.
Until Sabrina.
I didn’t like that. That isn’t normal. The way I think of her isn’t normal. The way I feel for her isn’t normal.
And I can’t shake off the impending feeling of doom.
Even with my speed, it took hours to get to Taryn’s village.
Just as I arrived, dozens of elves poured out from all directions of the forest, They had spears with them, angry tense looks on their faces.
“Intruder!” One of them yelled out. They all gave a shout and jabbed their spears at me.
“Drop your coat! Show your face!”
“I’m not your enemy. Let me in,” I said as calmly as I could. Inside I was boiling with irritation.
Compulsion didn’t work on elves. I had learned that the hard way.
“Drop it!” They still screamed.
I turned and glanced at the sky. The journey had taken most of the night, and in the distance I was beginning to see fairn orange traces from the rising sun.
I turned back to the band of elves. “That’s enough.” I spoke, my voice carrying an otherworldly quality.
They all froze up. Their eyes glazed over. This was something I hadn’t hoped to use. A side effect of the curse was a magical enhanced voice. I hated using I above all – it felt like a cheap apology for ruining my life.
“Drop your weapons, all of you. Let leader step
Their spears clattered to the ground as they dropped them. A tall, lanky elf stepped forward. I walked closer to him and stared into his dead eyes.
“Go inside. Tell Taryn that Silver is here.”
“Yes” He said. He turned and walked away.
Minuted later, he returned yith Taryn..
She looked as I remembered from when I first met her.
“My king,” She said and bowed. “Please. Come in. Come in!”
She gestured to the forest behind her. A shimmering portal opened up and revealed a bustling village. I followed behind her,
a lush castle surrounded by all manner of creeping vines and roses. up until we got to her house
Once we were inside, she spun around and pulled me into a hug
“It’s been so long. Way too long.” She said as she held me.
17:54 Tue, Jan 7 BBB.
Chapter 148
I returned the embrace“It has, Taryn.”