Chapter 85
Drescher looked at the Mirza high warlock and for a moment he was confused. Surely the man wasn’t saying what he was, right? There was just no way that the man would be insinuating that all this was just a trap by the Lycan king and that they had fallen right into it, no? Drescher wanted to hear the warlock say that all of that is just an assumption and that there was just no way that King Miroslav would have laid all of these traps for him, right? Oh, how it was just a wish, but when he looked at the scrunched–up face of Evan, Drescher knew his fate was slowly getting sealed in the worst of ways.
“What do you mean by that?” Drescher asked defeatedly. He had tried so hard to hold on and he couldn’t let himself be left. here. He just didn’t want to stay in these lonely dungeons anymore. He was worried about himself and his family, and he wanted to make sure he didn’t go nuts by staying in here longer than he had planned to. But then which plan was that really? He had fucked up one too many times already, and the more he tried to fix his shit the more he proved to himself and the people around him that he was more of a bum than someone they could rely on in case of terrifying situations like these.
“I mean we can either save you, or save your family. We can’t have both,” the high warlock said and Drescher scoffed sadly. He hated the stakes and how high they are and the fact that he wits considering his answer made him realize that there wasn’t much of a choice for him. He could stay in the dungeons and let Evan save his family, or he could let Evan save him and forget his family. Drescher knew that as long as his family was out there the Asmoria Lycans would get to them and try to leverage them again. It was a cruel assumption but it was just as true as everything Drescher had done to Ralphine.
Drescher had been in the game for more than enough years and he knew how these things worked. Here and now, looking at the five magical creatures that had come to get him out of this hell hole, the weather wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do to get himself from the agony of always being surrounded by fire. He had been here for just hours like that and he was certain he would lose his sanity sooner or later. If
ything, the fire around him had made his stay here worse, because he was always dehydrated and no one was even
him water.
Granted, he had survived the past months without water, but he had porridge and yams to keep him sane. They made him feel like he could just hold on a little longer. But then the fire and the ants were not making his life any better and it was just a matter of time before the fire went up and he would be a burning mess with no one to save him or even to look after him. He was fucked in all the ways to hell and there was no point in denying that. So, looking at the warlocks, Drescher made his choice, however selfish it would make him. If anything, he could save himself first, and then he would come back for his family on time, right?
“Get me out of here. I can think about my father and sisters later” Drescher said and the high warlock wasn’t even shocked at the selfishness. It is almost like he had expected it. Then again, whether it was selfishness or just strategy for Drescher Volkov, it didn’t matter to them because they were here to help their friend and if Drescher chose himself they would undoubtedly help him.
The other Lycans stared at Drescher like they hadn’t heard him right, even though a part of them should have expected that of the most selfish man that they had all ever met. Perhaps he had his reasons for all of this, but then with Drescher, nothing was just as black and white. The man had sacrificed his mother in front of his siblings. You would think that he cared enough about his sisters to share with them the agony of watching their mother die right before them, but he didn’t have a soul. He had always been a little unhinged and this right here was the proof they all needed to be sure of it all.
“Fine, let’s get on with it then,” the high warlock said to the other Lycans, and together they began the hardest job of saving and freeing Drescher. It was a hectic assignment for all of them, including Drescher who was doing his very best not to get burned while they were trying to put out the fire and also to make sure the ants didn’t bite him again. It was a tiring situation but think gully half an hour later, they were done and the Drescher was free from the fire. Sure, the fire hadn’t been put out completely and the ants hadn’t really died, but what mattered to them was that Drescher was alive. The fire had been an impossible one to put out, anyway.
The high warlock had suppressed the fire, while two of the Lycans dealt with the ants as the other two made sure that the Koslov beta was able to step out without getting burnt. When the beta was out, they dropped everything and all was back to normal, with the ants running around and the fire still at its pace. Now done with that, they gave Drescher a new set of clothes as they eliminated any and all traces of poison that could have been in his system, not to mention they healed the long cut he had made on his arm when he triggered the one–time tracker.
14:12 Wed, NOV ZU
Chapter 85
“Great. Let’s get out of here before Miroslav comes for our heads Evan, the high warlock said as he created a portal out of the dungeons. At first, the portal didn’t form and they had to use all their magic in creating one. It was risky, because the amount of magic they needed from the portal was more than they had used to come into Asmoria. That was expected though, because King Miroslav wasn’t the kind to just sit by and let his people be faced with chaos once again.
As the portal finally opened and the warlocks and Drescher went through, another portal opened in the dungeon, revealing Heion, and Viktor, the enforcer and the beta of Asmoria. It was all so unexpected that Drescher, who was the last to get into the portal, was shocked. There were a lot of things that could go wrong about this moment, seeing as the others had gone through, but then he didn’t think too much of it. Instead, he looked at them with one last smirk as he made his way in, leaving them one last dare, a reminder that he had won, but had he?
“Catch me if you can,” Drescher shouted at them and they just stared blankly, before Heion threw something into the portal right before it closed.