Chapter 38
BK 89%
In the basement she was trapped in, Ralphine Belyaeva could hur screams in Koslov, and a lot of them. They were not normal screams of happiness or excitement, instead, they sounded like what her heart had felt like when her parents were burned at the Koslov stakes for a crime they hadn’t committed. She owned that pain so well and she knew where there were cries for mercy, series for forgiveness, and pleas to the ears of someone who was not known for his mercy. Ralph knew they had to be related to her, especially since some of them were coming in her direction. She could hear them better thanks to her Lycan hearing.
“Let me out of here and save you people, Drescher!!!” Ralphine shouted as she tried to untangle herself. The entire week she hadn’t eaten anything that Drescher had given her and as much as it broke the beta’s heart, Ralph wasn’t in the mood to play house with a man who was after her sanity. She hated it when people got hurt because of her, but then between her being trapped here and the people screaming outside, was her silent prayer for freedom:
She hated dark places because they reminded her of times when all she had was absolutely nothing; no free will and no
‘s doing. ability to defend herself. The ropes on her hands made her feel like she was bound to be reh for the longest time. It wasn’t heartwarming at any point in time. So, as she heard the screams of mercy, Ralph sure hoped that this was her r Sure, she didn’t know what it was like when Lycans went to war, but her heart suddenly lit up with hope, even as she struggled against the ropes for the hundredth time.
“Quit struggling, Belyaeva. Whoever is here will just leave. You and I are destined to be together, forever, Drescher said, the
Miro’s. confidence in his voice making Ralphine wonder if the man had always been this crazy. Whatever it was that Polina had told Dresher had to have boosted his confidence because even though Ralphine could feel her Lycan reach out to Drescher was as calm as water in a glass jar. He was happy even, as he read through the books that were in the goddamn basement.
“You know he won’t stop until he finds me. And he is here. Save your people, let me go. I will come up with something to make him let you go. He trusts me and will do whatever 1 ask of him. You know how bonds work. Or not, but think of the poor people, Drescher. Think of the wolves being slaughtered. I doubt your parents would have wanted you to grow into this insane and inhumane person. Come on Drescher,” Ralphine pleaded with the beta but he wasn’t even listening to her. Not even when she took a jab at him by mentioning his dead parents
*She had hoped that it would appeal to his humanity, but Drescher wasn’t fazed. If anything, he just sat there watching the woman struggling. He had grown tired of warning her against trying to undo the ropes, but she had been stubborn. So, he let her do what she wanted. What he had failed to realize was that Ralphine’s blood was hitting the amulet and was making the Lycan warriors outside even angrier. They could smell the blood of their queen and they weren’t happy about it Perhaps that could explain why Miroslav had knocked out alpha Rykar with one cruel punch on his face. It was not a merciful war for anyone,
“Nice try, Belyaeva. Mentioning my dead parents won’t get you out of this. And if you keep tugging at the ropes, you will be the one feeling the pain, not me, sweetheart, Drescher grinned proudly and Ralphine signed. She couldn’t go on hurting herself, and she couldn’t stay there. She needed to find a way out because if that was her husband out there, he would save her regardless. They could go over the specifics later when she was free, but until then a way out was essential for her.
“He always does save me, Ralphine thought to herself with a chuckle. Her first interaction with the Lycan king, he had saved her and now she was forced back home and he was here to save her again
“I need to use the washroom, I feel sick,” Ralph said, and the beta snickered. He knew this was a possible ploy by her to make him let her go and then she would find her way there. Perhaps she would scream a little louder and her psycho husband would come for her, right? Well, it was a stretch really but then it wasn’t like there was a way out of this for her, right?
There is a trough on your side, love. Use it. I am honored to be aking your shit out every once in three days,” Drescher said with pride, a smile on his face making Ralphie wonder if this hog head was really the mate the goddess had given
Surely the woman couldn’t be that crazy to know all of this and ill pair them together, no? Perhaps there had been a mistake and that’s why it was easier for Drescher to reject her? Well, Ralphine didn’t see herself complaining because this shithead wasn’t worth anything to her. He was a mess and an insane one. If people considered Miroslay insane, then they should have seen the sicko in the basement with the Lycan king queen. This man was an irredeemable piece of shir
12:04 Mon, Nov 18 GGU.
Chapter 38
“What?” Ralph asked like she hadn’t heard him right. Surely he couldn’t mean that, no?
“I said there is a tough one beside you. If you want to take a shit, use that. I will clean it up. Unless you want me to help you undress? Maybe I could leave a few kisses and touches, no?” Drescher said and Ralphine couldn’t hide the disgust she felt
Sure, the man hadn’t touched her inappropriately or anything since her kidnapping, but goodness, the fact that he was at it right now, made her want to kill him. She could feel the rage that came with what he had said and she hoped that the rage was enough to fuel her Lycan to create a link with the king out there. She hoped that this would be her chance, but then just like always, nothing ever worked for her, especially when she heard the screams quiet down like everything was done.
“No,” Ralph whimpered when she realized that it was the possible result of her mate leaving. He couldn’t leave her here with Drescher. He couldn’t abandon her with the man who was staring at her like she was a piece of art that he needed but couldn’t decide on what to do with. This wasn’t how Ralphine had imagined her life would turn out. Maybe she should have allied low and not crossed paths with the beta. Maybe he would have ignored her, Maybe she couldn’t have been in that position.
“Oh, sweet Belyaeva… are you upset that they left? I told you earlier, didn’t I? No one would ever come for you. Polina made sure of that. As it is, those could have just been other warriors who came to attack Koslov, werewolf packs sometimes get to attacking each other like that. But then I guess with your lack of exposure to the real world and how power works, you might not understand or know,” Drescher said before he let out a maniacal laugh.
He had won, of course, he had.
He believed that and it was getting straight to his head. Perhaps that was why he left a frustrated weak Lycan in his basement and went upstairs to drink some water. No one would be coming for his prey and he could finally get to use her as he had planned for. Perhaps she would make a pretty slave, one who would fulfill his desires and make sure he had the best time of his life? Oh, how Drescher hoped for better things.
He loved the idea itself.
“He will find me!!” Ralph screamed and struggled against the ropes again. It was the future but she hoped that there was some sort of connection she had missed out on in the books she had read. Surely she couldn’t have been reading things that were useless to her in her greatest time of need, right?
“Acceptance. My little outcast. Acceptance is really important. I would suggest you get used to it at the moment. Perhaps I might be convinced to move you to a better place instead of masking my scent here,” Drescher said, as his voice faded and Ralph knew she was fucked this time. She was always born of bad luck. Nothing would ever work out for her and maybe Drescher was right to remind her that he would never leave. But what if?
“You’re right,” an empty voice responded to Drescher who was currently in the living room of the cabin. He had come for the kitchen, ready to turn on some music for his spare time, but then he hadn’t been expecting the voice, much less the huge company that was suddenly in his cabin. Perhaps he had really grown popular overnight, right?