Chapter 0022
I scoffed. “That’s the dumbest, most irresponsible, and short–sighted solution I’ve ever heard.”
The room was dead silent. It was pretty well known that Theodore was considered the alpha of alphas, especially within his own territory. The fact that I, an outsider, had the nerve to criticize his decision– the nerve to criticize him was probably shocking.
But I really didn’t care, and in my opinion, the people being unwilling to tell an alpha when he was wrong was how we ended up with the system that we have now,
“In what scheme of logic does getting rid of your secretary who has run your pack as stand- in luna for—“I turned to Sophia who looked stunned that I was talking to her. “How long have you worked for him?”
“Four years.
It took everything in me not to roll my eyes as I looked back at Theodore.
“She’s been running Midnight as stand–in luna for four years, and you want to terminate her because what? She got rid of a job that shouldn’t have been hers in the first place?”
“It’s the job I gave her “”
“And that makes it right, how?”
He flushed. “She could have said no.”
I snarled. “Sophia, what were your other prospects outside of working for the alpha?”
“And why is that?” I asked.
“Answer her,” Theodore said, setting his jaw and glaring at me. “I want to see where she’s going with this.”
Sophia’s voice turned so small. “There aren’t a lot of jobs in Midnight that pay well enough to live on in Midnight. I… I would have had to move, and…”
“She’d more likely end up being a rogue jerked back, and I crossed my arms. “For future reference, Sophia, if you want to quit, you’re welcome to get a comfortable job as a clerk without the drama in Darkmoon’s welfare department. We even have public transportation, so you can wear your cute shoes.”
if she tried to move without connections.” He
Theodore’s jaw dropped. “You can’t just poach my secretary!”
“So you aren’t firing her?”
1te snapped his mouth shut 1 cocked an eyebror at him.
“It’s abusive, underhanded, and outright disrespectful to have her deal with your personal mess. I expect this of lower tier alphas, but I had never imagined you’d be like this.” Someone gasped. “And honestly, given her situation what do you expect her to do other than negotiate a shut–up fe?”
He scoffed. “Midnight has enough money”
1 blinked at him. “You’re a fucking, idiot.”
Another gasp filled the air. He glared at me. “You have a lot to say about this.”
“I warned you what it was going to be like,” I said. “Just say the word if you’re giving up.”
He set his jaw. I cocked an eyebrow. “Here are the rules: you fucked them, you deal with them, their schemes, what they could do to your reputation, and everything in between. Leave your staff and me out of it.”
“I’m a very busy man.”
“You’ve got a lobby. They can wait, or you can keep your dick in your pants.”
Someone snorted.
I shook my head. “The fact that you would choose to breed further resentment in her, knowing how much she’s privy to, is astounding to me. She is a threat if anyone knew who she was and made her a better offer.”
“I–I wouldn’t–”
“It’s not about if you would,” I said, not looking at Sophia. “It’s clear that you’re loyal. You could have requested a relocation through the Court on the basis of financial need. His brother would have granted it out of spite.”
Theodore narrowed his eyes at me.
I looked at Sophia. “The point I’m trying to make is that he isn’t thinking about you as the valuable resource that you are to not only dismiss you for something so silly but in the way that he’s tried to dismiss you.
No one said anything and I looked back at Theodore.
“Apologize,” I said. “To Sophia for treating her like shit for four years.”
Theodore’s eyes bulged, and I waited patiently, expectantly, daring him not to. He looked like he’d rather eat paint.
“My… apologies, Sophia, for not treating you properly.”
Chapter 0022.
I smiled, amazed and pleased.
“Seems like you weren’t lying,” I said. He frowned in confusion. “She’s no longer your secretary. She’s mine,”
He worked his jaw. “Fine… Any other demands?”
I smirked. “I’m sure I’ll come up with something else before the end of the day.”
I turned to Sophia and smiled. She looked absolutely stunned. She straightened her spine and looked at me a little nervously.