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Hello reader, this site has been shifted to a new site: writers.talentpoint.online. All updates are now available on the new site. I request all users to move to the new site, where new chapters are available. The new site name is writers.talentpoint.online.

In Wife 36

In Wife 36

Chapter 36 

Delaney is upset with me at the moment.. for drinking all her juice and putting the empty carton back in the fridge. For the record.. I don’t drink juice.. at all.. ever.. and she put the carton back in the fridge. I know she did. I watched her do it. I apologized and promised never to do it again and I would buy her more juice on the way home. And I wouldn’t drink a drop

Pretty much how our days go. She does something.. and apologize. She has some wild pregnancy brain moments. It’s funny pulling pranks on her.. Well Until she gets pissed and we all run for cover

Axe snapped a picture of her phone while we were having breakfast..then texted the picture to her.. saying she left her phone in the kitchen. She came down to get her phone.. while proving to Axe he had texted her about forgetting her phone.. by showing him the texted picture.. on her phone.. in her hand.. It took us several minutes of looking for her phone.. for her to realize she had it the whole time. But we helped her search anyway

The doctor asks if we’re excited and she smiles.. her first smile since breakfast.. and I was over the moon when she took my hand. She whispered I’m sorry, babe. I don’t mean to be such a pain in the ass.. I don’t know what comes over me.A tear rolls down her cheek and I say No baby.. No no no.. don’t cry. It’s your hormones.. and I’m a big guy. I got broad shoulders. I can take it. Six more weeks.. that’s end game, baby girl! Our little one will be here and you will start feeling more like yourself.” 


Chapter 36 


My eyes were glued to the screen and Maddox kept asking What’s that?every few seconds The doctor was patient and answered every time. Several minutes later.. he looked up from the monitor and said That is one big baby! Probably going to weigh between eight and nine pounds at birth. Are you doing a gender reveal, or do you just want to know?” 

We all three said We just want to know..The doc grinned and asked Eager.. are we? Well.. not going to keep you in suspense.. It’s a boy. A fully mantled Alpha is my guess.. From his size.. and the strength of his movements.” 

I looked at Delaney.. this time, with tears in my eyes. She giggled and said Well. Alpha! We are having an Alpha! Who would have guessed that?I laughed and Maddox said I’m an Uncle to a bad ass!And Delaney scolded him for language

Walking back into the clubhouse, the Valkyrie had decorated and were grilling out.. Everyone had gathered to hear what we were having.. and to throw Delaney a baby shower. To which she promptly broke out in tears.. insisting on hugging every member of the club.. which literally postponed the party for another hour

Toward the end of the evening, and everything was winding down.. Sara and Bianca asked if they could speak with me, privately. I refused them a private audience I can meet with you.. but not privately. I would never put myself in a position of being doubted by my mate.. I owe it to her. So, if you’d like to meet with Delaney, Axe and myself.. that’s doable.” 

Bianca laughed Oh my God! That did sound bad, didn’t it!? I apologize. I meant privately.. as in away from a crowd.. where we won’t be overheard.” 


Chapter 36 

It was my turn to apologize for the misunderstanding. We headed to my office and I told Chainz we were not to be disturbed

11 288 Vouchers 

Sara laid a paper on my desk This is an email I printed out. They are being sent to every woman on campus.. We polled all our friends.. and any of us under 25received it. There’s a questionnaire that we have to fill out. That’s this paper.. The questions are targeting our family history.. Bianca and I ran algorithms to see which of us received responding emails after the questionnaires were mailed back.” 

Bianca said Sara filled in her family information truthfully.. Mine.. I made it look like I had no family.. only child.. parents dead.. kind of thing. I received a response. If you read this one.. I think our concerns will be explained.” 

I read over the original email.. questionnaire and corresponding email. I looked at the girls.. Good work, ladies. This email indicates this could very well be the Colonel’s next move.” 

Hello reader, this site has been shifted to a new site: writers.talentpoint.online. All updates are now available on the new site. I request all users to move to the new site, where new chapters are available. The new site name is writers.talentpoint.online.
In Wife

In Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
In Wife


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