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Billionaire One 77

Billionaire One 77

The Pack: Rule Number 1 No Mates 

Chapter SeventySeven 


Oh my God! I can sell anythingI shout, rolling over in bed as Adam steps into subwood floor vibrates between my ears at maximum decibel What the fork? Why are 

You can smell everything? Adam ingwires with a frown. As he approaches gwencomes my senses. Domonier Do you! The fiber smells too much like the 

if 1 on pregnant, then at least one of them deserves to krone 

room. The sound of his expensive talen a shore solo

in they duly clip the 

weve of nostalgia. The memory of waking up in Domonic’s bed suddenly 

I didn’t have so many questions I would say fuck the sea and tons Him 

What i going on, Dezien?asks Adam, taking a whiff of the air around me while taking a seat next to the bed. His nose scrunches up and I know right away he can probably smell the vomit on me some. After all, I’d been sick only a few moments before. Emily said there was an emergency. Are you feeling unwel 

You smell just be him,Iacone, my y suddenly burning with tears. The haunt of Dom nie’s arma is still beach in my mind. Why did I never notice it before?” 

His eyes wide 

Ihis. You smell like your son.” 

How would you know that? UnlessHe finches, falling back against the seat. you’re pregnant.” 

I grimace Fuck, I know it 

Surppsingly enough, his normally somber face lights with joy and the deep dimpled in he gives me is a definitely Domonic smile Yes Yes you are. And the fact phat you can smell as well as you can, tells me it’s a boy.He chuckles. A grandson. Im going to have a grandson” 

I’m pregnant with a wolf cub? In my uterus? Crazy as it might sound, the thou doesn’t upset me, I glance down at my flat stomach and sigh, my hand closing over it protectively. This is nuts.” 

He laughs jovially. No dear. A wolf shifter doesn’t usually have their first shift until after puberty. So rest assured, what you are carrying at this moment is human int form. Then his smile falters and be clears his throat. If you are pregnant, which I’m ninetynine percent certain, you are- does that mean, you ll be heading back?” 

I sneer at him, jolting spright. Hell no. Letting out a slow, trembling breath, I cross my arms over myself in an attempt to hold myself together against the sudden aching of my heart. I do miss Dumonic and I will tell him about the baby. But not yet.” 

Henoch, clapping his hands together happily. Good” 

I quirk an eyebrow. Not what I was expecting you to say.” 

He shrugs. Well, I haven’t seen my son in five years. He says he hates me. He thinks I weak. But I still love him, and I want him to have his family, I only wish bed join us here. He is the rightful Alpha. He needs to take his place among us before one of the other young wolves challenges for leadership and he loses his birthright.” 

Can that happen?” I ask, a strange sense of alarm coursing through me

It could.He frowns, his eyes settling somewhere behind me. Gabriel has been a bit more trouble than I would have liked.” 

Gabriel? Really?” 

He nods, Oh yes. And don’t think I haven’t noticed all the attention he’s been showering you with.” 

I shrug. Thee him. He’s handsome and he’s nice to me.” 

You’re marked,Adam scolds playfully

And alone,” I scold hack. Then, shaking my head, I add, but nothing will come of it specially not now that I might be pregnant.Chewing on my lip, I turn toward the window and the fast approaching dark of the mountain sky. Maybe its finally time I give Bart a call.” 

I think thats a wonderful idea. His father misses him. Argon is actually the only member of the Elder Council that still speaks to his son. Perhaps if you tell Bartlett 


Chapter SeventySeven 

you be pregnent, Dometic might did it’s rally time to show his face.” 

I shake my head. I doubt it.Then, turning away from the window I admit, And I’m not so certain that I’m ready to ser Dominic” 

den reaches out, pitting my hand before going it a fatherly squeeze. You should tell him sooner than liter. Give him the opportunity to truly realize what he’s missing out on. You alone may be the key to his homecomingWith a sigh, he sits forward and I intake another greedy inhale of his pine cinn goodness. Domorie süd kanat forgiven me for Irving Port Orchard after the fire. But one day he’ll have to realize it was just too painful for me to go on there. The love of my Ide wan dead. I uw nothing good that could come from our staying in that cursed town. Clamping his eyes shut for a moment, he shakes himself as if chasing some old 

I love that town,1 remark, pahing my own longing toward the back of my mind

nella used to love it too,Adam says softh, his eyes dining. You remind me of her in some ways. She had a thing for fog and gray 

Ipin Bounds to me like she was EVERME

he whispers.In a way, I’m touched that he and the rest of the boys are determined to find the killer. But, at the same time, I know his mother wouldn’t him living in the shadow of her deathHe frowns. She would want him with his mate. Leading her with his mate. Living a full life. The life he was meant to have. Especially now that 

Wait!I snap as I notice my siding His sent is settling my stomach! What the ? Come and sit on the bed,I say, closing my eyes as I drop back 

I don’t think that would be appropriate. He laughs, but I hear the scrape of the chair legs on the oalwood floor. But I will sit a bit closer.” 

fet,I say, inhaling once again and smiling against the soothing sensations that come with his aroma. Oh my God. That’s wonderful

He chuckles. It’s common for pregnant female to be soothed by her mate’s presence of for no other reason than that, you should call him.” 


shoot open and glare. More out of itation than anger. He’s right. Dumondes deserve to know about his babyif there a onebut not today. I don’t want to,I say. 72 least not yet. It won’t change anything that hes alady done to me. I still hate him.” 

I understand,he replies. Then I’ll go and get a

a pregnancy test from the market. Maybe after you confirm what I already know, you’ll feel differently.” 

I shake my head, You’re not going anywhere. Sit your ass down. Send Emily. She smells like a fucking greenhouse.” 


1 got your mess 

message. Whats up?Koda asks the moment he walks into my house to find me staring at the wall, deep in thought.. 

I gaze at him and I wonder. Is he the one who sent Draven to my father? Or was it Barier? Maybe, it was both of them. Either way, it doesn’t matter. Now, at least i know where she is and I dont have to worry as much. At the same time, knowing that I can see her if I want to has induced the quivering pulpitations of my already trembling heart

What if I told you, I know where they are. What would you say?” 

His eyes widen and his jaw clenches. Where are they?” 

The look in his eyes. The relief, the barely contained excitement. All of it says that he not the one who went them thereThat he didn’t know, I sigh, burying my face in my hands for a long moment. The one place I swore never to go.” 

dKoda stops. What the fuck do you mean? Canada?” 

I nod, throwing The empty bottle of scotch I was holding across the living room to shatter against the wall. I think it was Bartlett. He sent them there,” I grow And I dont know whether to thank him or kill him.”“ 

│Koda shakes his head, his face turning red with anger. All those unmuted wolves. Fuck 


Right. That part had occurred to me. Probably because Draven is marked and her sont alone would have told my father who she belonged to. I don’t think would be dumb enough to touch her, but I don’t know that for certain. At the same time, my father may be an asshole, but it would be a cold day in hell beloer he 

another man touch a marked female. Expecially, my marked female



Chapter SeventySeven 

Fuck!Roda repeats, leaping from his seat to stalk toward the bat. He takes a drink my best tequila straight from the bottle, and because I’m feeling strangely charitable at the moment, I let it slide. Where’s Margo?He hisses 

I chuckle. Sent her packing an hour ago, lames had to fucking drag her out.” 

Koda nods, taking another drink, despite that this time, I glare. So what are we going to do? even know that I,

sight, bis eyes falling closed. She’s unmarked. She doesn’t 

Love her?1 supply

He growls, want her.” 

I grin, tossing my feet up on the ottoman and smiling sadistically at his pain. Wimt her? Really?” 

Fuck you, Dom,he chirps with a grin. Dropping down in the seat text to me, he groans. These ruleshe trails off, letting the sentence hang with a shrug of his shoulders. Fack! And we swore we’d never step foot in that town” 

Yeah,I reply. I know” 

At the very least,he says. I want to see her.” 

I nod standing up and jingling my keys. Then I hope you’re off duty. Because I think it’s time we took a drive

Chapter Comments 



Book is fantastic but watching adds for rewards and when you finish watching the adds it says Opps and I don’t get any rewards. every time 



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Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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