The Pack: Rule Number 1 – No Mates
Chapter Thirty–Four
“What?” I snap. “H–here?!”
Domanie’s arms lock around me as I begin to struggle, my eyes going straight to the shaded windows, yelp of fear leaving my mouth.
“Doven,” he couses, trying to get my attention, but my mind is instantly on other things. Like Ase lid Marcus figure out where I’d gone? And how long do I have before he comes for me?
“Let me go, I hiss, fighting against the bands of muscle wrapped around me. I have to go!”
“Draven,” he snaps, the timbre of his voice rising as he clamps his hands around my face to meet my eyes. “I need you to listen to me. Please
I shiver, the sight of his handsome face causing me to whimper. I don’t want in hurt
I know you think you can protect me,” I say, shaking my head. “But you can’t. No ongan.”
“I can,” he insists. “I promise you. Please, relax. I have eyes on him right now. He’s not going ampare in any form without me knowing. Please, uy and relax.”
Strangely enough, the statement does soothe me a bit. Telling me that I’m at alone this time. Reasoning somewhat that Dominic isnt the only muscle bound meathead looking out for me. There are eleven others, just as dedicated. And that’s not counting the lion shifter he was telling me about.
at the same time I don’t consider any of them expendable nor do I want them in danger because of me
“You have eyes on him?” I ask, “What the hell does that mean? You’re watching him?
He smiles, gracing me with those devastating dimples of his and forcing me to bite my lip
“Gryffin and the rest of his pride are keeping tabs on him for the moment,” he says, nothing my hair back. 1 don’t want you to worry about a thing.
My eyes bulge. The rest of his pride? Are you talking like a–lion pride? Like there are more of them? More ahers?”
lle sights, nodding, his jaw ticking. “Yes. Of course there are. There are shifters all over the world. Many different kinds.”
living in a world with actual monsters prowling around me? How common is this?”
They’re not all monsters,” he growls.
“They are to me!” I snap, lifting myself off of his lap. He doesn’t try and stop me this time and I have to wonder why. I study him. He appears crestfallen. Like I’ve said something to hurt him when I’ve done no such thing. My gaze narrows, my thoughts taking a dangerous but as I note the clench of his fists, the drop of his eyes. Reaching for the whiskey bottle, he takes another long drink, choking slightly and wincing in disgust.
I think for a moment of what Quinn said about the wolf that was outside the house the other night. When he called them guardians and proteger. My body trembles, my muscles quivering with fear. “Are any of them wolves?” I ask. He gazes at me and I note the soft sadness of his eyes, but he doesn’t over my question My heart clenches with a crushing pain so acute that I almost cry out. “How long have you known about them?”
He strokes his jaw, a slight smile tipping his lips as he stands and heads toward the front door. To black me in? Maybe. Who know, but the longer 1 stare at him the more I see his silence as an awer in and of itself. Domenic pulls out his phone and his thumbs go tapping away.
who the fuck is he texting?
“How long have you known about then?” I repeat, gritting my teeth in anger. “Arawer me!”
He finishes his past, then pockets his phone. Raising silver eyes bright with fire my way. “All my life,” he hisses and I nearly crumple to the ground.
His eyes remind me of that enormous wolf’s eyes. The red-brown wolf. The one that outside when he was in the middle of the goddamned night. The one le claimed he didn’t see
19:49 Wed, Nov 13 D.
Chapter Thirty–Four
No, No, na, The truping out. There’s oƯNG
Bes wanted me to leave since I got here. Wanted me on the train and gone. He’s file’s strong. He… up. Well, okay, that part isn’t scary. But it is true.
But I love the way he touches met
He can’t be one of them! One of those mensters. Those… beasts, Calil be?
Shit, 1 mandle, on the verge of trans.
He tried to get me to leave! He did. My stupid stubborn s just had to stay where I wasn’t welcome.
But there are other people in this town! Some of them have to be human, right?
“Droven,” he interrupts my thoughts. Please, don’t cry. Dont be afraid of me. Please
“Afraid of you?” I whimper, steeling myself for what was coming
Stepping slowly toward me, ises his hands as one would when approaching a frighened animal. An animal… that might bolt.
But not inval
I am a silly, weak, stupid human girl who apparently never stood a chance of getting away from my stepfather.
You said you have secrets too,” I spit, teeth clenching.
“I do” he whispers, his eyes sparkling as he nears me.
1 hear the backdoor open and shut and I know without looking that it’s Quinn or one of his other friends. I realize right away that Dononic probably texted them to come and help hold me here in case I should try and fee
And will!!
From him?
Fixing my ga on him, I ask “Do you still want me to leave town?”
“Draven?” Quan’s voice sounds behind mf, but I ignore him completely.
“To you?” I ask arain..
Domonic freezes inhis steps, his as falling toward his sides. His gaze lowers
“Because I will,” I say
y smoothly, trying to reason a way out of this. Out of him telling me something that I’m not quite ready to hear. I’ll go right now if you’ll let
Hits–body goes rigid and his eyes shoot past my shoulder, to Quinn. “Give us a minute, Domonic says and I hear Quinn truding up the stairs.
When Domone looks at mf, his gray eyes are so filled with sorrow that I have to stop myself from maching for him
He speaks in a voice desperate with lunging. You can’t leave yet. Not until it’s safe
I laugh, Safe. Ha! Is anywhere safe? I screech
Then, before I can blink, he grabs me into his arms and try muscles go stiff, rejecting his touch as best I can. Despite how wonderful feels to be in his arms. Even
19:49 Wed, Nov 13
Chapter Thirty–Four
though the montent we touch electidity zips through me, creating an ache in my chant. Why are 1 Agliang Jom? Why?
A minute passes. Then ten. It only takes that long befor the fight goes out of
- rd. I relax against him, lie isghs, heavily, his bicens closing around my back in
“I don’t understand any of this,” I complain, raising my arms up to place my hands against his chest.
“I know,” he whispers into my hair,
Then make me understand!” I mumble, my lips against his shirt wetting his chest. The hot whiskey inside of my stomach churns with heady intent. 1 stmke my hands upward and lift my head to meet his eyes. Sparkling silver inises that sometimes swirl with a stretch of yelles and black.
The eyes of a wolf.
“Draven,” he whispers, his head dipping down, his gate on my lips. ‘I would never har you‘
I wince, clutching the fabric of his shirt and kissing his jawline. Even as my lips travel toward his neck and his chest rumbles with ple
I think of home he never answered my question about whether or not he still wanted me to leave town and I say, “Yes you will
Chapter Comments
Cheryl Melton
I’m truly enjoying your writing! Tysm