Chapter Two Hundred Seventy–Four
After throwing on my clothes as quickly a
uickly as possible, I carry her up to my room and hit the switch to shade all the windows. I have a very extravagant alarm system and my home is hooked up to a backup genestar, so I’m not worried about someone getting in without my knowledge. Anastacia’s eyes are twitching behind the cocoa shimmer of her eyelids and for a moment I wonder if she had some kind of witchy little episode that put her on her ass. Her heartbeat is strong. Her lips are moving as if she’s talking to somebody, yet no words are expelled from her lips.
After laying her down on my bed I leap into the bathroom to run her a warm bath, complete with bubbles and lavender oil. Then, I grab her and step under the four headed raintop of my segregated shower and spin the dial to full blast.
Freezing water assaults the pair of us and Anastacia wakes with a gasp Holy shit!” she cries out, latching onto me and pressing her chest against my own. Her nipples are like hardened pearls that spike through the worn fabric of her top and my dick rocks up despite the cold water that now soaks my body from head to toe.
“Are you okay?” I ask her as she starts to shiver.
She gazes at me with wide, confused eyes Eyes that swirl and pulse like a nebula, an interstellar cloud stitched deep in space. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they are even more intense now than they were before she passed out.
the darkest part of
“Id bob–be b–be–better i–f–f–f–fw–we w–we–we–weren’t u–u–u–u–under th–th–th–the fr–freez–z–zing wat–t–t–er,” she shivers out.
“Oh,” I whisper, my eyes tangling with her lips as I reach out and shut off the tap. “Sorry about that. I ran you a bath, but I needed you to
be alert first”
“W–w–well 1–I’m d–d–d–el–f–f–finitely al–alert n–now,” she garbles.
I chuckle, stepping out of the shower stall and into the bathroom where the steam from the tub has begun to rise and dress the space. The warmth hits us right away and she moans, leaning her head back languorously. “Oh, yes please. Don’t mind if I do,” she says, her idigo orbs turning toward the large jacuzzi tub in the comer of the room. “Perfect”
Yes. You are.
The tile and walls are silver and gray, respectfully and for the first time 1 notice, all the accents in the room are such a deep blue–violet that they nearly match her eyes. It’s just a coincidence, Paul A happy one, but a coincidence nonetheless. She’s a witch. She might be making you feel stuff that is not your own. You could be connecting things that would otherwise never occur to you were even a little bit alike.
But I have always loved the color indigo. Always. Even when I was young, I hated how light of a blue my eyes were. I wanted them dark. 1 wanted them like hers. And I have always had a thing for exotic females Tanned and curved to perfection. Long dark haic… also a plus.
Might she have mocha colored nipples too?
Fuck me
“You must be a terribly powerful wi-” I begin, but scowl stops me and I lash her a grin before changing it up, “-terribly gifted–uh–er- mystic, I mean.”
Her eyes
shutter and her attention falls to my lips. “Oh? What makes you say
Because the little spell you’ve cast for attention has my cock throbbing in rhythm to the pulse point on the side of your neck and my fangs curling to bite you
“You should never charm a wolf shifter,” I warn her. Then, setting her on the edge of the tub, I take a step back. “It could be extremely dangerous for you.”
Chapter Two Hundred Seventy–Four
Her brow furrows angrily and her lips twist into a frown. “Charm a shifter? You think I’ve charmed you somehow?”
I tell my eyes heavenward and begin to back out of the room. III leave some clothes for you on my bed. Is your head okay?
Crossing her arms beneath her deliciously round bosom, she cocks an eyebrow. “My head is fine. Is your head okay?”
It will be, once I get the fuck out of this room, shit…
My gare hitches on her outer thighs, where her dress has ridden up to expose part of her ass for my viewing pleasure Is there a reason her skin is so soft? Because hack….. it is 300L…
Stop yourself. Stop yourself now.
“Il be downstairs. Take your time. Do you need some help getting underssed? Or…” Fuck! What the fuck, dummy?!?
She smiles wide and wicked. “Well it does the around back and I can’t be sure, but I I think it might be knotted.”
y heart is now pumping in my throat. “Seriously?”
She loses her smile. “No. I was teasing,” she quips, narrowing her eyes. Just another of my magic tricks, obviously.”
Is she being sarcastic?
11 go make dinner. I can shower when you’re done.”
Or you can shower now while I bathe,” she says throatily, standing and reaching behind herself to untie the top of her dress.
1 clamp my eyes closed and stumble backward. “I’ll leave you to it.”
Catching the bare end of a frown as it turns her features, I slam the door shut just before my fangs spear out, the venom inside of pumping ferociously enough to drip onto the end of my tongue.
“Fucking hell,” I snarl to myself, ripping my wet clothes off and dropping them into the hamper.
With my eyes on the door, I dress in a pair of black sweatpants, stroke my cock for good measure, then stumble downstairs. I get to work right away, putting together a salad and boiling wild rice. Then 1 marinate a couple of t–bones and couple of chicken breasts, just because I failed to ask her preference. I’ve just finished chopping up some peppers when my phone rings and I release a shuddering breath when I
see Rainier’s name flash across the screen.
“About fucki
time,” I spit.
His Laughter is thick with arrogance. “I tried to tell you. What’s wrong? Did she snap your dick off or something? Give it wings, maybe? Warts perhaps?”
“Do not be gross. She’s a witch,” I growl, tossing the marinated steaks into the frying pan. “And she’s fucking with my head.”
“A witch? The Muuucockkk?”
“Yeah, I had words with the Alpha chasing her as well. According to him, she killed his sister or something and owes him her life,” L
“Oh fuck,” Rainier groans and I hear the unmistakeable sound of the yacht engine firing to life.
“Wait a minute. You haven’t even left the island yet?”
Chapter Two Hundred Seventy–Four
“We had a thing…. no no. Bad sedre tu
“Yup. He’s fucking lethal. I’d be jealous except that Fret
hear Gryffin curse. “But now that you’re telling me th
My entire body seizes with anger and I damn near up the phone in
No way in fucking hell am I doing that.
Fuck that. We don’t even know if it’s true,” I say as calmly as my suddenly binding exgs will alone and events the opon, Buck that
“Right, right. Okay. Well… have you at least asked her about it yet?”
“Not yet. This just happened. She’s still in the bath.”
There must be something in my voice, something that gives away how very close I am to the edge hisses, “You fucked her. You fucked her didn’t you?”
“What the hell? Fuck no, I wouldn’t touch a witch asshole. Not for any to why I told it. They to creepy as fuck.”
Not even of the were by mate” Al
wearing nothing but one of my shirts and a pair de
Something shatters behind me and I spin around to find Anastacia standing boxer briefs that must be tied in the front with a rubber band. Fuck I forgot to leave the clothes out for her. She looks like a real Time Goddess of Wet Dreams and 1 nearly crush my phone in my hand to stop myself from grabbing ber.
There’s broken glass scattered across her feet and when my gaze drag every word I just said.
I should have heard her come in. Why didn’t I?
beautifully tanned legs to her yes, I
Chapter Comments
why they all so dumb with their mates? so far maybe Quinn it’s out of it, but the rest of them?