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Billionaire One 180

Billionaire One 180

Chapter One Hundred Eighty 


My private collage in Western Idaho has been my secret hideaway for hrs. It comes in handy when I havespecial work to do. It’s hide up on the mountain, near the cut of the tiver and nestled deep within the forest, it is my private hunting ground. The one place Lam completely comfortable and content to be my trae sell. No one knows where it is. Not even those old fucks back in Oregon. Well, no one Anew, but that all changed today 

Upon my return to Oregon, I was presented with young Cane’s dilemma, He wanted to pledge his life to the Elder Few, like his father did before him, and his father before him, and so on. Ninety percent of our members have sons, and out of that ninety percent, eighty percent might get accepted. But only the oldest som is ever considered for menilership, nudess, that son chooses not to pledge, or the younger son issues a challenge to the eldest and proves himsell the more worthy hunter, Cane is Halley’s eldest, as well as his only son, but he wasn’t nominated for membership before Ralley died. So, it was left up to me test and weigh him for membership

A Pledge is usually given a physical abilities test, a marksmen test, an aptitude test, and then finally, the most difficult of all, a resolute detachment test. A test designed to fracture the faint of heart

I have known Cane for ten years of his life, so I chose to forgo the unimportant exercises and focus solely on the only one that truly mattered. To be honest, I didn’t believe he would do it. No one did. The RD test is structured to present the Pledge with an imposable choice. Most of the time they are asked to shoot the family pet, or if there isn’t one, the Pledge is given an animal and told to end its life in the most gruesome way possible, using only their bare hands, Human subjects aren’t normally used, but I knew sacrificing his best friend would be the ultimate task

honestly didn’t think he had it in him, but by God, did he prove me whong. The only other member to ever pass a test as difficult as that 

one, was me

new apprentice, which basically makes him my son now. At least, it does in the eyes of the Elder Few

So, naturally, I chose him for my new

I have finally found someone that shares my intense love for the hunt. Someone willing to go the extra mile, and cut all former ties. Someone to teach, someone to mold. A student that will carry on with my work, long after I have passed. An heir, if you will, that I can leave my legacy to and share my truths with. Well, most of them. He will know all that he needs to and that will be enough. He is the first and last that I will ever take under my wing

My secrets keep themselves pretty well, anyway. I made certain of that yours ago

I watch my new apprentice with growing pride. He’s pulverizing every target 1 set for him with astonishing accuracy. Not quite as well as I can, of course, but that’s to be expected. He is human, after all. Humans can only do what they can do, and sadly, that isn’t much. But I will teach this one everything he needs to know about all shifters and what they are capable of. Then, he will help me eradicate them. As many as are possible

One must learn the skills of each shifter they are hunting before an attempt at a snare can be made. Each species has its own unique supernatural ability and strength. They cannot be effectively hunted unless one understands what these are

For example, leopard shifters in Asia. They prefer to spend most of their days in feline form and are known throughout the forests to beautiful beyond measure as humans. But they are a solitary species, often choosing not to take a mate. Those cats can climb so well, that they are more comfortable in the trees than they are on the forest Blood. In fact, high up in the treetops is often where they station themselves for the hunt and even sleep, or take their meals. They are incredibly fast when leaping from tree branch to tree branch, and are almost phantoenlike. But on the ground, they can be easily trapped or caught

In order to beat one, you must become as much like one as possible, and that takes time. But I’m up for it. I have faith in this kids potential. I can train him in my own image. Teaching him how to track, skunk, deflect, shield how to move within nature, how to hide in plain sight. The skills that I will equip him with will ensure his survival the same way they have ensured mine. He will be independent of others, with no ties to anyone but me and when the time is right, we will be an unstoppable force. No one knows shifters the way that I do. Hunting them is an art, not a pastime. Not a fucking club activity, despite what some may believe

None of the other hunters that wanted to learn were ever able to pass my test. But this boy, he did. Complete and total devotion to the 


Chapter One Hundred Eighty 

cause. You can’t Pay that kind of commitment. Believe me, I’ve tried

As the last target explodes in the distance, he hoots in victory and coros jogging my way

Great job,I say, granting him a round of applause

How long before we can go after her?he asks

Ever the eger beaver, this one… 

Don’t be so hasty,I tell him, secretly pleased that he wants to go back. Not many hunters will risk it after they’ve been exposed the her pride will likely be waiting for exactly that.” 

Het pride?he shouts. You think there are more of them?” 

I smirk, thinking back to that night a few years ago when I took out the den mother. Even now, her head is mounted

compound. Each of us Elders has a wall, dedicated to our kills. Mine is definitely the most interesting. Ton shifte 

their pride. They don’t cast out their kin like wolves do, nor do they survive well on their own. A lonely lion is a dead. They are fersome, loyal creatures and they never leave a debt unpaid. They will remember you, and they will be waiting” 

They will remember me as well 

Shit,he curses. You don’t think it’s a mistake to wait? What if they relocate?” 

I have to chuckle at that. Lions are more territorial than even wolves are, at times. They aren’t going anywhere, and t would they? They aren’t scared of you. They aren’t scared of anyone. They love freely and openly, sometimes having multiple 


I grin, my eyes dimming as an old wash of dead pain resurfaces, but 1 stamp it down where it belongs. Drowning it with my hatred.

Mates. Often times, human mates.” 

Gross!he croaks in disbelief

No, no. Not gross.Try as I might, I can’t keep the sneer from my lips. It’s weak is what it is.” 

I can’t imagine it. It can’t be true,” 

Oh, it’s true. And believe me when I say, you’ll be grateful that they have them. The capture of a shifters mate is the ultimate bargainin chip. Their most exploited weakness. Kill the mate and kill the shifter. I study him, watching for signs of discomfort when I say, “Even the mate is human, sometimes it is the only way. A sacrifice must be made for the greater good. Don’t you agree?” 

He stares into the woods then nods. Justice. I get it. Humans who mate with animals. It’s unnatural. They deserve what 


I can’t smile wide enough hearing that. Excellent attitude. You’re going to practice with moving targets tonight. And not just any moving targets. They will be quick. Supernaturally fast. You need to learn how to take aim and shoot for a creature that’s zigzagzing through the woods, hitting speeds of ninety miles an hour. You must learn to predict their direction based on their speed, and how to spot the slight waver in the brush, that signals when they are charging toward you.” 

Do they really run 


t fast?he ad 

he asks, shocked

I chuckle. Some of them, but not many. It is my philosophy to prepare for what has yet to come my way before it does. II like to be more than ready. Blackjack has some of the fastest wobes I have ever seen.” 

Wolves?His eyes flare wide with excitement. Out there? Are they regular- 


Chapter One Hundred Eighty 

They’re shifters and they are ge 

No shit?” 

I nod. Oh yes.” 

Do the rest of the Elders know?” 

1 laugh heartily. Most of the Elders cannot be trusted with that information. Telling them would only ensure their deaths. Those men? Not one of them would stand a chance. Which is why I need you to be ready. You, and you alone, have the potential to join me on these missions. You should have come to me the moment you decided to take the Elder path. You should have approached me right after your father died.” 

I didn’t think I could,he admits, honestly. My sistershe… 

Dania. My balls ache at the mere mention of his sister and I wince slightly, I had hoped to see that the curvy little firecracker was with him. Especially now that her father is gone and no longer in my way. Your sister. Ah, yes. I think I remember her. Delia, was it?” 

ing the 

Delilah,he corrects me, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Sheuh- well, she hates you. She was always telling me that you were evil and that you couldn’t be trusted.” 

I smile bright, ignoring the sudden rage in my loins upon hearing that. That fucking little bitch Wellyou know better, don’t you? I’ leave it to you to straighten her out. You are the man of the family now. She is not beyond discipline. It’s your responsibility to make sure she honors your beliefs, not hers.I declare with a smile, Come on, let’s have dinner and then tonight, we practice with live targets 

Then I will locate your bitch of a sister and I will show her just how evil con truly be

Where are we going to find that kind of action

I grin, clasping an arm over his shoulder. Now that my young padawan, is a surprise.” 


Chapter Comments 


yuck, hes more than just evil 

Marietta Gary 

Can we call a spade a spade here? He’s worse than a piece of sh!t. I want to go after him myself

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Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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