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A Ga 84

A Ga 84


A Gamma’s Revenge 

Chapter 84 Private Office 



I watch my Mate from the doorway, her head is lying on her desk and her eyes are closed. Anyone else would tell you she is exhausted from preparing for all the Ceremonies, Packmembers moving from Moon Stone territory to Crystal Cove territory and her meetings with Alpha Eros to finalize the plans to eliminate all maintenance backlogs

Goliath is watching our Mate througli my eyes, he pointed it out to me a few days ago and at first I didn’t want to believe him. It didn’t take long to realize that she was tired almost every single day and especially at the end of the day, so to me it seemed normal with her heavy workload

Right now it is in the middle of the afternoon and my Mate is sleeping with her head on her desk, not the most comfortable place to sleep, if you ask me


I gently move her around, making sure I don’t wake her and lift her in my arms before I walk out of her office. Conner smiles as he sees me walking down the hall with Zalia in my arms, Going see Doc?He 

asks and I just nod my head. I don’t need to say anything else, I know he will make sure that with Leander he takes care of whatever might pop up 

Knowing my Mate, I take the backdoor into the infirmary. Doc is already waiting for me and holds a door 

that leads to an exam room. Zalia, wake up. Princess, wake up.I have to repeat those words a few. times before she opens her eyes to look at me and she tries to wiggle out of my arms


I wasn’t sleeping.She mumbles and Doc has the nerve to laugh at her words. She looks around her to see she is in the infirmary and I can sense the fear rushing through her. I’m sorry. How long was I out for this time?She asks and I know that she fears she lost consciousness again, like she did both times she dreamt about her Mother

Princess, you were just sleeping. I walked into your office to find you with your head on your desk, fast asleep. I tell her and I see her looking at Doc and back at me again. I think it isn’t just being tired from working hard, Princess.” I say, but it seems that my Mate can’t wrap her head around it

Doc has a huge smile on his face, he knows I am hoping that she can figure this out on her own. I am afraid I have to spell this one out for her though, but just as I am about to tell her what I suspect her facial expression changes. You think we..She doesn’t say anything else as she looks from me to her belly

No, I still have a lot to arrange for Alpha Eros. Our first Full Moon party as the new leaders of Crystal Cove Pack and what if many of them find their fated Mate, than I have to take care of the housing projects.I place my hand over her mouth to keep her from rambling. I know she cares about her Pack and every member within our borders, but she sometimes forgets she has enough people to help her

Princess, you can still do all of it. On the condition that you will allow others to help you or I might call in a favor from Axelle to order you.I say the last part teasingly and I can feel that her emotions are settling down a little

It doesn’t take long before Doc is done and I know he will back as soon as he has the results. I hold Zalia in my arms as I can tell that her mind is racing in a million different directions, I don’t think I would survive taking a peek in there

Doc walks in to the room with a serious expression on his face, but the moment the door closes behind him he starts smiling. Congratulations, Alpha. Deimos was right, you are with Pup.Doc says and for a moment I am at a loss for words. I thought I was prepared enough, but apparently I was mistaken


Chapter 84 Private Office 


Thank you, Princess. I love you.” I whisper in her ear as I wrap my arms around her, holding the female that holds my heart and my future. Doc, I know it dont have to say this, but I am going to do it anyway. Keep this to yourself.I say as I help Zalia up, she is still in a tiny shock

Deimos, this is something the two of you have to share with the Pack. Your secret is safe with me.Doc says as he slowly opens the door and I make my way out of the backdoor of the infirmary. If you think Doc is being disrespectful by not using my title, I will enlighten you. I chose not to carry the title of Alpha, that title belongs to my Mate and she is one hell of an Alpha 

It took most Packmembers a few days to accept my decision, but they respected my wishes. The older Packmembers had more trouble adjusting than the younger l’ackmembers, but after explaining that I didn’t want another Alpha to address me instead of my Mate, they finally understood and now they just call me by my first name

I am not surprised to find our family and friends on the Alpha floor, but I notice that Leander isn’t here yet. I have just placed Zalia on the couchawhen the door opens again and a very agitated looking Leander walks in. Elinor is unaccounted for, no one knows where she is or when she disappeared.He blurts out, the moment he steps into our living room

Are you fucking kidding me? First Doc tells me I am pregnant and now I have to worry about someone I once considered a friend.Zalia states and the entire room goes quict. Oh, damn. I had wanted to announce it at the Full Moon party tomorrow.She mumbles when she realizes what just happened

Okay, that is easily solved. No one says a word about this and tomorrow at the party the two of you make. the announcement. Leander says. For now, I think we need to concentrate on Elinor. Last time she was seen is three days ago, Hester keeps saying that she has no idea where her Daughter went and Axelle believes she is telling the truth.” 

Lets tighten up security, starting with border patrol. We also need a picture of Elinor to be send to every Packmember, they can be our extra eyes.” Conner says and both our Deltas start typing away on their tablets. Gather the rest of the Pack and tell them that this is a precaution. Elinor might just have decided to move to a Pack as far away from here as possible.” 

An hour later the entire Pack is informed and border patrol has been doubled. Every adult is searching our territory, just to make sure she didn’t sneak into our territory already and Grandma is watching Zalia like a hawk. Which is annoying the hell out of my Mate, I make sure she doesn’t see that I am enjoying this just a little bit too much

Deimos, stop gloating or you can ask Nana if you can sleep on her couch.” I hear Zalia growl from behind her desk and Goliath is growling at me in my head, he doesn’t like the threat Zalia made

Princess, you are the toughest female I have ever met. Nana is just concerned about her Granddaughter and Great Grandpup, she was a fierce Warrior before she met Grandpa. If I trust anyone to help you when you are in danger, it is Nana.I say and I mean every single word

I see her look at Grandma with a glare, before she turns to Grandpa. Papa, take that Mate of yours with you or I might forget she is my Grandmother and toss her in the dungeons.” Zalia says, but it isn’t difficult to hear that she is teasing Nana. Nana, don’t over do it I can’t handle much at the moment.Zalia whispers as she places her arms on her desk and lowers her head

Let us know when dinner is ready, Nana.I say, just before I lift my grumpy Mate out of her chair and make a beeline for our bedroom. I am going to spoil her just a little, a nice bath with some music in the background should do the trick

I gently lower her to the bed and tell her not to move a muscle, Getting the bath ready only takes a few 

16:38 hu, Jan 30 

Chapter 84 Private Office 


minutes and 1 walk back into the bedroom to grab my Mate. I undress her in the bathroom and place her. in the tub, before I turn on the music and leave the bathroom

I am going to use this time to pick a room for the nursery, than I will contact William to make the furniture. Zalia and I both love the bed he made for us and I have already asked him to make a desk for Zalia, I want her to have a one of a kind desk in her private office


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A Ga

A Ga

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Status: Ongoing Type:

A Ga


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