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A Ga 261

A Ga 261

A Gamma’s Revenge 

Chapter 261 Pups 




I have heard Damon roar in anger before, but this is even too much for me and Smoke and everyone in the office is on their knees. I have no doubt that everyone close to us is on their knees as well, no one can withstand the aura that Damon is releasing at the moment and Dad has to jam a knife in to his leg to make him see what he is doing

Close the fucking gates.” Damon yells through the minlink, before we all hear him summon every unit that is at the Academy. Amir, bring Gillean with you, be just arrived at the Academy.Damon continues and I remember that Dad told me last night that he is a relative of the King, his Grandmother is Damon’s Aunt if I remember correctly. I will meet her in a few days when she arrives here after visiting old friends along the way, they will be looking after Dalton and Thora when necessary

I don’t hear a distraught Jaylen over the mindlink and Dad tells me that one of the Elders will inform Jaylen and Morgan about our discovery. We both know that is not going to be an easy conversation, it is never easy to tell a parent that their Pup is missing and it doesn’t matter how old the Pup in question is. I see Warriors walking up to the Palace and it doesn’t take me long to find out that each of them was on gate duty today

Gillean gets out of the SUV with Commander Amir and Smoke is pushing forward, curious about Damon’s Cousin, he is a handsome young male. His light brown hair is cut short and his hazel eyes sparkle as he smiles at Damon and there is no doubt in my mind that he is a Lycan. Gillean asks where the guards are and Dad points at the group of males standing a few feet away from us

Gentlemen, I need you to think carefully about what happened before you answer my question. Beta Tom’s SUV is r missing from the carpark, which of you let it pass the gates?He asks and I can’t believe no one thought of asking that question. One of the guards raises his hand and Gillean asks him to recall everything he saw when the SUV approached the gate

I see confused looks on everyone’s faces, but the guard does as Gillean asked him. He tells us that the SUV approached the gate at normal speed and that he recognized it as the SUV of Beta Tom, but that Beta Tom hadn’t been inside the vehicle. Who was driving the SUV?Gillean asks and the guard tells us that jo- Anna was behind the wheel, Did you see anyone else in the vehicle with her?Gillean asks and the guard tells us that she was alone, that he checked the vehicle according to protocol

Beta Tom, I would like to see the footage from the car park, and from the gate.” Gillean says and Dad has to tell him there are no cameras inside the carpark. That is fine, just get me the footage from outside the carpark.” He replies and I wonder what he is going to do with the footage he asked for. I don’t get the chance to ask Gillean anything because I hear Jaylen roaring over the mindlink and I have to hold my head at the sound of it

Gillean, I hope you can find some answers fast, we have a very pissed off Lycan heading this way.Damon says before he heads back inside, we follow him to the Royal Wing as Dad explains a few things about Jo- Anna, Dalton and Thora. I nearly walk into a wall when Gillean asks if JoAnna ever did anything to harm Dalton and Thora in anyway and Dad stares at him while Damon asks him to clarify his question

If JoAnna is as interested in Jaylen as you say, she will not like the fact that he has Pups and she would have tried to make Dalton and Thora understand that they mean nothing to her. Maybe she threatened to send them of to some sort of boarding school or some sort of institute for difficult Pups, anything to make sure that they would fear her.” Gillean explains and Smoke roars menacingly at the indication 

Dad points out that Dalton and Thora are well mannered and polite Pups, that many adults could learn something from them and that he never saw loAnna at cruel towards them. Gillean responds by telling 


22:38 Fri, Jan 31 

Chapter 261 Pups 


Dad that she would never do it in front of any witnesses, but that it doesn’t mean she didn’t mistreat them if it was just the three of them. Your Majesty, I would like access to the security cameras inside and outside the Palace.Gillean says and I know he will get everything he asks for

Not because he is related to Damon, but because he is a genius when it comes to security measures and I hope he will have some answers for us soon. I tell him to follow me to my office, that I will give him my access codes to the systems and I tell Dad to be prepared for the arrival of Jaylen and Morgan. Just make sure that everyone knows to keep Morgan away from JoAnna, she is going to kill her if she gets her hands. on JoAnnaI say as 1 guide Gillean towards my office


abilities, I tell I explain to Gillean who Morgan is and I am not surprised when he asks me if she has any him she has quite a few. As we walk into my office I tell him that she is also mated to Jaylen, but that no one is aware of that yet and that it will be best if no one finds out in the meantime. After giving Gillean access codes I sit down in the sitting area of my office and I try to find out if I ever saw JoAnna mistreat Dalton and Tora or that they acted scared around her, but I can’t remember ever witnessing something 

like that


Damon, Casimir and Roan went back to the Palace after our meeting and Jaylen and I went back to our unit to start making plans for White Rock Pack. We are going over every piece of information we could find and the picture it paints of White Rock Pack is one that makes a chill running down my spine, this Pack needs to be stopped. They are pure evil in my book, they believe they can treat females as property and do to females whatever they want

Unfortunately none of the males from White Rock Pack was ever convicted, because there was never anyone willing to testify against them and if someone stepped forward they ended up dead or they withdrew their testimony. The worst of the worst is White Rock’s leadership, they have broken every there is and they encourage their Packmembers to do the same


We are about to discuss Beck’s Father when Elder Larson walks in and I see both our teams move in behind us. No one has to tell me that something bad happened, but if Elder Larson doesn’t start talking fast I might lose my shit and that is probably why our teams are standing behind us. Dalton and Thora.” Is all I say and Elder Larson nods his head as he sits down before he tells us that Roan and Tom went looking. for JoAnna after reading the news article

When they couldn’t find her they started searching the Palace and after that the Palace grounds, but they didn’t find her. When a Warrior came in to tell King Damon that Tom’s SUV was missing they also found out that Dalton and Thora never showed up to school, the teacher believed the article to be true and thought they stayed home to celebrate.” Elder Larson says and I know every member of the Royal Pack and every unit member can hear the roar Jaylen releases

Grab every file on White Rock Pack and head to the Palace once you are done, Iwill make sure you get into the Palace.I say as I look at Beck and Moura. The rest of you get into the SUVs, we are heading out immediately. Elder Larson, we will be working from the Palace for the time being.I say before I grab Jaylen’s hand and start walking towards the door. I link Amir in the meantime and I find out that he is already at the Palace, Damon kept us out of it on purpose

Deacon gets behind the wheel of our SUV and Skylar gets into the passenger seat next to him, while Tristan and Faith get in the back seats with me and Jaylen. The other members in our team get into the SUV behind us and our unit members divide themselves over the other SUVs in front of us and behind us. I hope Damon has a few more answers when we get to the Palace and I think Kieran can use some distraction from this situation, Amra is pacing in my head as she softly growls

We should have dealt with her after Thoraconfided in us.” Amra growls and I tell her it is easier to talk in 


22:38 Fri, Jan 31 

Chapter 261 Pups 



hindsight, there was no way we could have known she would take it this far, this fast. I was still trying to figure out how I could catch her in the act, I wanted to Have all the evidence I needed to get her banished. from Palace grounds and I ask Amra if something could have happened that made her decide to speed things up

I have been sitting on Jaylen’s lap ever since Elder Larsen walked in to our living room and I think it is the only thing that keeps Commander from taking over control, We will find them and if JoAnna has anything to do with it she will pay.I tell my Mates and can feel them relax just a tiny bit. I know I would be on edge if they were my Pups, but Amra growls at my thoughts, They are our Pups as well, we just need to be the ones with a level head at the moment.She grumbles

I lean my head against his shoulder as I think about Amira’s words, she is right about Dalton and Thora and I am glad that Amra is helping me to be the reasonable one for a change. I would love to track down the Bitch and make her pay for what she did to Dalton and Thora, I will make her regret coming after my Mate and our Pups


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A Ga

A Ga

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