Chapter 53
“Which park is better?” Hasley asked me. Lifting up two pictures, showing me.
She had two pictures of two park in the city of Delhi here, I couldn’t tell which one was okay, because both park were looking beautiful to me.
“I’m not sure. It’s hard to pick,” I said, scrubbing my chin.
“Oh come on!” Hasley said out loudly in frustration. Pushing the pictures right in front of me.
“Pick woman!”
“Hasley!” I yelled at her when she almost blinded me with the pictures.
I had grabbed them both and placed it hard on her face like the same way she did. She yelled and tried to take it back from
- me.
“What is going on here?” I heard Mother’s voice.
Hasley and I faced the door and found Mom looking at us. Her hands resting on her waist, as her eyes lingered from one face to another.
We were both sitting at the dinning table when this crazy sister of mine
“Why the yelling?” Mom asked, moving closer to us.
arted her psycho attitude.
“Mom, it’s Delancy. I told her to pick a beautiful park for us to visit, but all she could do was scrub her chin with no choice. Scold her mama!”
“Scold who? I should be telling Mom to scold you not the other way around. You almost blinded me with the pictures, you dragon,” I fired back quickly.
Hasley gasped and tried to take the pictures from my hand, but I didn’t allow it.
“My goodness. Anytime I look at you two fighting, it makes me wonder if this is still the same children that the world sees as intelligent and brilliant,” Mom said, patting her forehead.
When she said that, Hasley chuckled.
I glared at her, before successfully pushing one of the pictures on her face.
“Mummy!” She cried out her fake tears.
“Come on Delancy. You’re the big girl here.Show your kid sister mercy and end this madness, “Mom suggested, without paying heed to Hadley. Who kept acting like someone who wants to die because of a picture.
“Fine,” I said, rolling my eyes to Hasley’s point.
The once dying sister, became a witch. She sat majestically, waiting for me to speak up.
I know she’s waiting for it, but she’ll smell pepper before she hears it.
“Delancy?” Mom lifted her brows at me.
I shrugged at her, before facing Hasley. With my lips spreading, I started, “As the big sister here, I’ve decided that…” I looked
Chapter 53
at Hasley. She’s still waiting
Decided that Hasley ain’t gonna smelt an apology from me. Peace!” I lifted my hands with the peace sign.
Mom laughed at this while Hasley grumbled like a ten year old.
“Not fair Delancy. But if you want her to apologize Hasley, you’ll have to do the same,” Mom said.
“Haha!” I laughed out at Hasley.
Hasley’s face swole at once. She dimmed her eyes at me and said. “There’s a history about that apology which we all must learn here today.”
“No history lesson woman. Say you’re sorry and let peace reign,” I stamped.
Hasley frowned and asked, “How do you want me to say such without hearing the history itself?”
“It’s simple. I’m sorry, that’s all.”
“Apology accepted Delancy,” Hasley said, smirking at me.
Realizing what just happened, I screamed. Mom laughed at me.
“Haha! She got you Delancy,” Mom laughed.
Hasley chuckled at me, while I frowned at her.
“You two are even now. Both using intelligence for one another. I can see your father’s trait in you two,” Mom said.
I looked at Mom, as Hasley gazed at her like the words she had said, had ignited some kind of fireworks in her heart.
“How come Hasley took the crazy part?” I asked.
Hasley shrieked on hearing my question. I just shrugged and said that I was asking.
Mom chuckled and said, “It’s not crazy Delancy. I call it sweet. You two have a sweet character that reminds me of your father then.”
We both looked at Mom. It’s clear that she was thinking of the past, and missing every beautiful moment she spent with Dad then.
I can understand how she’s feeling at the moment.
With an idea popping into my head, I took the other picture from Hasley and presented the two before her.
“Which place is more better for the picnic Mom? If your girls decide to pick, we won’t go anywhere,” I said.
Mom and Hasley chuckled.
Looking at her, I watched Mom select one of the pictures. That’s the one I had in mind first.
“This place looks nice. It has an opening for us to stay and catch fun together,” Mom said, pointing at the park.
“And that was my choice,” Hasley said excitedly.
I didn’t say anything, but just smiled.
“It’s settled then. I’ll instruct the guards to get things ready for tomorrow,” I said, rising to my feet.
Chapter 33
Hasley suggested that she’ll speak to the maids on what to prepare for us tomorrow
Mom smiled and thanked us both for putting her as well as father, in mind.
I smiled, before lowering myself down on her for a bug.
“We love you both,” I said to her.
Hasley’s arms came down on us both. We chuckled together, before leaving the dinning room.
Evening came, I was outside the house, when I noticed the doctor arriving.
I wanted to call Butch and know how everything is going at the company. Bit that’s when the doctor showed up.
Greeting him, I escorted him into the house to see father for the check up.
Once he was in the room with both father and mother, I stepped outside again and called Butch’s line.
Butch answered the call. Greeting me and asking about my father.
“He’s doing fine. How’s the work going?” I asked him.
“The work is going well Miss Aventador. We are attending to everything accordingly, He reported.
felt pleased to hear that.
“Good, I’m glad you all are handling the work well,” I said, showing my gladness.
Just when I was thinking of asking other questions relating to the office, But h brought up Leo’s name.
“Mr Jerricko was here not quite long concerning the business deal we’re working on,” Butch shared. Hearing Leo’s name, my heart ached on thinking of what had happened and the painful break up.
I managed to calm myself, before asking if that’s all that he came there to do.
“He also asked about you, so we told him you had travelled out of the country for something urgent,” Butch shared more.
I hummed and said, “That’s fine. Just continue attending to the work. I should be back early this week or next week.
“Already ma’am. Do have a nice day,” Butch wished.
I wished him the same, before disconnecting the call.
My back came in contact with the wall next. I sighed, thinking of all my time with Leo.
It really made me sad, to know that he didn’t love me, but just wanted to deal with Nathan by using me.
Groaning out, I shoved Leo’s matter aside. I have no time for him. I’ve wasted my precious time on both brothers. Standing straight, I made my way into the house, and went straight to father’s room to know what’s up.
I came there and found the doctor, talking to both Mom and Hasley about how father should be handled with care during our picnic.
There are things he needs to be mindful of tomorrow. I trust you all will watch over him well,” the doctor said to us.
Chapter 53
With a smile. I assured him that father would be fine.
Pleased, he kept a note with the nurse, with a few medicine for just tonight and tomorrow for father.
T’ll be taking my leave now. Goodnight.” The doctor said, before saying his goodbyes in his culture.
I had escorted him along with Hasley.
Once he left, Hasley joined her palms together and said, dimming her eyes at me, “Namaste Woman.”
“Namaste Child,” I responded.
We both laughed before returning back into the house.
As we slowly approached the room, Hasley’s phone rang. It was Vance falling.
She immediately rushed to a corner to answer him, while I made my way to my parents room.
Getting there, I found both Mom and Dad, holding each other’s hands and talking.
The look in their eyes, as they smiled at one another, made my heart weaken.
I decided not to enter the room to disturb their privacy. They both need all the time in the world, to feel each other’s love.
I walked pass Hasley, who’s on call with Vance.
Ismiled, but hid my sadness.
Heading to my room, I asked myself why am I so unlucky in love.
I’ve tried my best to be the right lover, but the ones I gave my heart to, shattered it with no care in their hearts.
Somehow, I regret ever coming face to face with both Leo and Nathan.
Their action wants me to think there’s no love for me. But it won’t bring me down.
I have my family’s love.