Chapter 69
King Miroslav Ibrahimovich was an unforgiving king. He was a man who believed in an eye for an eye and a tooth for al tooth. He never cared if he would be blind or anything, he always paid back tenfold. And as Alpha Bashir listened to the king give him the directive for the go–ahead, the alpha wasn’t sure if this was peaceful or if this was a bait set by the realm’s devil. Maybe it was a trap for the alpha, maybe it was something that the alpha had said or maybe it was the way the king was staring at him, the disbelief and disappointment making itself known.
The Lycan king was never one to hide what he felt or how he felt about a person or what they did. Hearing Alpha Bashir admit to setting fire to the dungeons, making his people partic, was not something he would forgive, no matter how good the reasons were. The worst part of it was that the fire had interrupted his mating with his erasthai. Sure, the mating was already completed, but Miroslav had had plans for the night when he first heard his crasthai moan against his lips. Maybe he was a petty king for glaring at Alpha Bashir, but no matter what happened, the king’s eyes spoke more than his silence and approval.
“I caused the fire because it was the only way for me to ligure out what Drescher was planning, especially with a revolution coming. I know it was probably the dumbest thing I ever did, in the name of trying to protect Shehzadi, but I hope that I could scare him and force him to confess. I needed to know why it was easy for him to ruin the princess like that. He should have known the history of Koslov and still went on ahead to hurt her. He shouldn’t have and maybe I wanted him to be blamed for the fire, so he could be brought to the books before I left home for Mirza.
“Everything I did to this point was for the queen. I came here for her to give her back what belonged to her. I came back to remind her that she was a royal and she needed to clear her parent’s names. The Belyaevas were never traitors and I hoped I would help her prove it. Drescher had been too willing to come to the dungeons. I also know that he tried to swell the narrative that I was here with ulterior motives or even that I was bad for the queen.
“I only wish to make her happy. It is not in my place at the moment, seeing as the queen has the entirety of Asmoria behind. her, but I hope that all of this would get the king to understand that the celebrations would eventually come to an end, and that there were real enemies out there who want to see the Shehzadi hurt. Forgive me, if I crossed a line there, Your Majesty, Alpha Bashir said and the court was suddenly filled with disbelieving murmurs.
Most were wondering if the alpha was in the right mind or if he needed a psychiatric admission, and perhaps they were right. Everything the alpha had admitted to, pointed to him being a control freak or someone who had affection for the Lycan queen
and wasn’t sure of the best way to out it. It was like he had stepped out of some fantasy and was hoping that the reality of it all would make him feel a little better. So much was going on in his mind and maybe that was why the alpha sounded stupid. But what if he was born dumb from the very beginning!
“That is all from me,” the Alpha concluded before he bowed at the king and went to sit back down, with a smile on his face, one that the Lycan king didn’t miss. It was almost like the alpha was tempting him to say anything and do anything that could compromise the chaos at the moment,
Alpha Bashir was counting on the king losing his mind so he could prove to the entire council how unstable the king was. But then the Lycan king had committed murders whenever he wanted to. He had mauled people in broad daylight and even taken out some of the council members in front of all these people. Surely Bashir wasn’t hoping that the people who were scared shitless of the Lycan king would be the same people to show him support when he was playing with the worst of fire. right?
“Did what you just said make sense in your head?” one of the elders said, and Ralph had to fight back a snort, while the murmurs grew louder. There was just no way that the alpha thought he had made a point of that, Frankly, it was better if he had stayed silent, but what if that was what he wanted? What if this was the reaction he had been hoping for for the longest time? There was no telling really, but one thing was sure, the Lycan king had to have expected this. He looked way too calm for someone who had just been fed rubbish by an alpha who expected a treaty from htm.
“Tone it down,” the Lycan king said amusedly, while his friends and the council of elders stared at him worriedly. Anyone with eyes could tell that the whole narrative that Bashir had given them was a shit show. It was almost a desperate attempt to thwart the king and keep his attention on Drescher; the only difference being that the king had never once stopped putting a detail on Drescher and making sure that the man wouldn’t have anywhere to go by the time they were done with each other.
King Miroslav could still see the alpha’s desire for his queen in has eyes. He could see how Alpha Bashir’s eyes warmed each
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Chapter 69
time he was staring at the queen. It was almost like this was the cly thing that the alpha had wished for. Perhaps he was losing his mind, but fooling Miroslav Ibrahimovic needed a little more expertise, which unfortunately for Bashir, was something that he had failed to achieve. Maybe there was a way but for him. But then what were the chances that the king would buy the bullshit?
“Sire, the wolf speaks rubbish. Nothing makes sense in his statements and what is this we hear about the Belyaevas being royals? Weren’t they the ones who led an attack on our people? We have seen sheep in wolf’s clothing over the years and there is a chance that this wolf right here is just hallucinating. What if he is trying to buy favor with the treaty? And if he comes for the treaty in the name of the queen, why not talk about it with you and not bring too much attention to it by the treaty?
“Why wouldn’t he approach the queen then? Because, from the reactions we saw from her majesty, she clearly had no clue of what this man was saying. Everything seems to be well fabricated,” the eller form said before and Miroslav smirked. He looked creepy as hell and angry at the same time. He looked like he was about to punch someone into tomorrow and yet at the same time he looked like he was waiting to see what would happen if he let the shit show go on.
“You’re accusing a highly respected alpha, Rostova. Let us not forget that your daughter was the one who dragged the queen and left her out there for Drescher to kidnap, alright?” King Miroslav said, his tone so cold as he looked at the Rostova elder, a man who was a little too old for life. However, he had the best advice for his people. Funny how that got Polina to end up dead. If only he had talked to his daughter and made sure that she wouldn’t have dared to harm the queen, then there would have been a better friendship, right?
“My apologies your majesty, but I speak what we all think. Your high guards are thinking the same, and even your friends too. While my opinion may seem insignificant, I hope you understand that we are here to make sure that Asmoria is a safe place for us all We want a home that we can go to when everything comes down and if this alpha is trying to make up stories about the queen, then home won’t be home anymore, and you know that too,” Elder Rostova said as he sat back done and King Miroslav sighed. He knew his elders weren’t wrong, but then he still wanted to trust Bashir and give him a chance to redeem himself, tight?
“I understand, but as someone who has interacted with the alpha and has thankfully gotten to know him better, I want you to trust me and my decisions. The alpha came forward to clear the rumors which was very admirable for him. And he speaks the truth and nothing but the truth. We did find out why he was suspecting beta Drescher though, the king said and alpha Bashir felt himself go pale. There was just no way that this was happening, not right now and definitely not like this. He had come way too far for him to give up like this. This wasn’t what he needed.
King Miroslav was looking at Bashir, his eyes filled with curiosity and a daring move. He was daring Alpha Bashir to get up and say something, but then the alpha was frozen in his seat, probably overthinking about what the king had just said. Oh, how the Lycan king was enjoying this. No one ever knew what was going on in the mad king’s head and right now, they all were waiting to hear from him. Bashir in particular was a little too tense for someone who had stepped forward and given an carmest take of what he had done. He was trying so hard to clear his name and maybe he would be able to, but the end of this, yeah?
“Thank you, your Majesty, Alpha Bashir said in an attempt to show that he wasn’t tense as fuck.
“No need for that. We have a treaty in play and given that we have both signed it, I suppose you won’t deny me my first ask of the treaty, alpha Bashir,” Miroslav said and the alpha stared in excitement. He had been hoping that the treaty would go. through and had been praying that he wouldn’t be questioned. The terms of the treaty weren’t as bad and the alpha knew that there was nothing in there that could undermine his plans in Asmoria or even with Asmoria. This was something that he had worked on for years and he wanted to prove that he was here in good spirits.
“Of course, your majesty. The treaty demands transparency and that whatever we ask of each other we can consider and- give. However, since this is the first time you ask me anything, I won’t have to review it, whatever you need, you shall have it your majesty,” Alpha Bashir said and Heion stared at the alpha like the man was the dumbest piece of shit ever. For a man. who was supposed to be leading the most dangerous werewolf pack, she was certainly never going to win shit against
Viktor and Kara had the same expressions as Heion. They knew their king and they knew nothing good ever came of Miroslav making requests, that too in public like that. The man was the definition of pride and a man who never bent the knee for anyone. To the king, requests were like wishes and he never made wishes. He was always the one granting the wishes. Of course, if he made a request to his queen it would be understandable, seeing as the queen was his partner for life.
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Chapter 69
“I want your father,” the king said and the alpha smiled excitedly at him.
“You can have him, Your Majesty,” the alpha said, right before he realized what he had just said. This wasn’t what he had imagined, and he couldn’t think like this. Or maybe he had heard the king wrong, yeah? But had he? Especially now that the throne room was dead silent?
Tm sorry, WHAT?” the alpha asked again, this time looking at the king as if he wanted to be sure that this was happening
“Your father, Al–Bashiri, stands accused of attacking the Lycan kiligdom, something that resulted in the murder of the Belyaevas. He was in my dungeons but you helped him escape yesterday in the pretense of a fire the same one you admitted to causing. So, what do you say, on the first request I made for the treaty?” the king asked his voice cold, and yet his smirk was right there for everyone to see.