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Billionaire One 217

Billionaire One 217

Chapter Two Hundred Seventeen 


Im gaping at him, my ears ringing as I process what he said

You knew?Delilah asks, jumping up from the bed. You recognized her and didn’t say anything?” 

Cane rips his eyes away from mine to stare at his sister. You started this. You are the one that lied to me on the phone.” 

Because 1 didn’t think you would tell me where you were if I told you the truth, Delilah snaps

Well, it doesnt matter noe does it? You’re already here,Cane says, his eyes rake over me to settle on my lips. Both of you are. So go ahead. What did you have to tell me? What do I need to be warned about? Or was that a lie too?” 

No, not a lie,Delilah says. Gayle came to me because they were hunting for her in the woods. She said she needed to get to you. She 

Who was hunting for you in the woods?Cane snaps, his brow furrowed. The Elder Few?” 

I shake my head. No. Well, yes and no. A few hunters were there, but not for me in particular. For anything I guess. Kind of like you were that night. It’s the authorities that are hunting for me.” 

Why?Cane asks

I swallow thickly. The hunter that I attacked survived and ended up at the hospital. So it was called in as a lion attack.” 

But how would they know which lion?Cane says

They wouldn’t,I say, Not really. But the thing is, I ran in the opposite direction of my home and I couldn’t very well walk through the streets naked, so I went to see your sister.” 

Why my sister?Cane asks. Had you already met?” 

My lips purse and Delilah coughs. Sort ofI say

You know what?Delilah chirps. I’m gonna go in the kitchen and make some breakfast. That way when Quinn gets here we can eat and discuss what happens next. Sound good?” 

Close the door behind you,Cane says, glaring when Delilah hesitates

It’s fine,I say

Jesus, D. What is it you think I’m going to do? She’s a damn shifter! Do I look armed?Cane snaps

Delilah flips him off and then slams the door

When did you realize?I ask, looking at him

He’s still watching me sadly when he shrugs. I knew who you were the moment I saw you, I didn’t know why you were here, and I still don’t. Not really. But you were here with my sister and I knew she would never do anything to hurt me.” 

You’re right. She wouldn’t,I agree

Would you?he asks, seriously


Chapter Two Hundred Seventeen

No,I whisper. Never. Not me But the other shifters, they 

If anyone 

should want to hurt me, it should be you.He frowns, glaring at the wall directly ahead of him. So if thats why you’re really here, that’s fine. Go ahead,” 

I shake my head. But it’s not why and I don’t want to 

Well you should,he says, Were you unconscious after I shot you the second time?” 

Again, I shake my head. No.“” 

He closes his eyes. So you 

you felt me kick you.” 

Goddamn it, he snaps

It’s okay,I say, reaching out for him and trying to take his hand, but he shakes me off and my eyes 

Why did you come to warn me?he asks. Why should you even care what happens to me

ake a deep breath, reminding myself that he is my mate and he deserves to know it. Because you’re special for me, I reply quietly

I take

with her news about Quinn. SpecialSpecial how?” 

He looks at me, staring into my eyes the way he was before Delilah burst in here with 

I watched you for a while that night,I say. “I was in the trees, with a clear view of you in the cabin. I saw you with your microphone. Ever since my mother was killed I’ve made it my business to watch the hunters that stop through. I thought you were handsome, so I probably watched you a little longer than was necessary. I remember thinking that you had a thousand different smiles and all of them were good.” 

He laughs, his lips quirking up

When I jumped down from the trees, I was still thinking about you. I wasn’t paying attention and stepped right into that trap,I pause, watching him carefully. I didn’t mean to shift in your arms. It happened when you touched me because you touched me.” 

What does that mean?he asks

I look away, staring toward the bedroom door as doing so will put me on the other side of it, should he not respond well to what I have to say. I want you to know it’s okay if you don’t want me. You don’t have to accept me. I won’t hold it against you. You’re a hunter and 1 understand if the thought of being with me freaks you out! Some of the other shifters know who you are for me, and they’ll be understanding but 

Hey!” Cane interrupts and I feel him tugging on the ends of my hair. Slow down. I think you skipped something.” 

Did I?I ask, turning around to see him smiling at me

I think so,he chuckles. You skipped that part about me being your mate.” 

My stomach flops. He knows? LIumI thought your sister said you were stupid.” 

He laughs, still playing with my hair. She tells everyone that too.Then he loses his smile, his eyes sad. You’re too beautiful to forget, Cayle,he says, trailing his hand down my back. Truth be told, I was going to come looking for you.” 

To hunt me?” 


Chapter Two Hundred Seventeen 

No! Well, yes and no,he explains. You’re part of the reason I’m here with Roman. He’s the shifter expert and I knew he was the only chance I might have at finding you again. But I never had any intention of hurting you, I just wanted to know how to find you. I needed to find you. But you found me instead.” 

My eyes are wide. But you land those goggles on, so I really didn’t think you could even see me.” 

He grins, his hand sliding up my back under the sweater. I switched the night mode off after I shot you.” 

OhI say shivering when his hand grazes the bare skin of my back. But it was so dark.” 

The goggles have a light in front. You were in my arms,he murmurs, sliding closer to me on the bed

So you did feel something.I say in awe

His hand on my back slides low, dipping beneath the waistline of my sweatpants and tracing the line of my spine downward. Yes,he says. But I didn’t know much about mates until I came here. Roman told me.” 

Roman,I repeat, my mood darkening. You

said he’s a shifter expert. Tell me, what makes him an expert?” 

He freezes, his eyes filling with worry. Why? You know him, don’t you

Maybe,I whisper. The hunter that killed my mother, my father once said his name was Roman. He learned his name from another hunter. One he was interrogating after my mother’s murder. So tell me What makes him an expert? Has he killed any?” 

Cane sighs, removing his hand from my clothes altogether. Yes,” 

My throat tightens. Did he keep them? I managed to get out. Does he stuff his trophies?” 


Have you seen them? His trophies?” 

Are they somewhere here?1 hiss, my skin suddenly itching to search the place


I nod. Figures. But you have seen them. You know where they are.” 

They are where all trophies are kept,” he admits. Each successful hunter is given a wall at the compound. You don’t become and Elder until you’ve had a successful hunt.” 

Does he have a lioness there? A full grown female?” 

You can’t go there Gayle. You’d be killed. I won’t let you.” 

Does he have one or not?” 

No,Cane says

You’re lying.I hiss, tears streaming down my face: Please Cane. Please don’t lie to me. So far I think you’ve been honest with me. Don’t do it. Don’t start lying.” 

His eyebrows draw together as if he’s in pain. I won’t let you go there


Chapter Two Hundred Seventeen 

Tes he have a lioness?I ask gain as his hand reaches for my chest and wipes the tears away

he starts, then shakes his head. Teaching into my hair with one hand, he yanks my head back, polling me down onto the bed as he tolls over the top of me

I’m panting beneath him as his body settles over mine

his legs between my coon. Cane, Throathe 

He has one hand in my hair and the other cradling my 

  1. ma. Youre not going there. Do you understand They’ll trap you and hold yam there until they’re ready to ie you fou la game. And if they figure out what you are? He lets the question hang 

Shaking his head, he nashes me, closing his lips ever mine quickly and men inte my mouth. I cant help it, I mean hark. The sparkling warmth of his lips melting against mine creates a sort of hazy confusim in my brain and before I knew it, I’m arbing up against him. his tongue dances in my mouth. His hips rock forward and he dives in deeper, angling my head so he can kiss and suck his way down neck. My nails sharpen and my claws tingle with pleasure, I don’t even realize it, but I clutching his hark

~Shit,he mumbles, biting into my nock. Your nails are pretty sharp.” 

Oh!I gasp, releasing his back. Sorry, I didn’t mean to:“ 

Stop,he chuckles, lifting his head away from my neck to stare down at me. I actually like it.He presses his forehead to mine,kissing me sweetly, I want you to promise me that you won’t go there. To the compound.” 

You don’t understand,I complain. My brother wants to kill you 

him you know where the trophies are kept, then he might 

No!Cane snups

We need to bury her Cane. We need to,” I plead

Tine,” he whispers, kissing me again. Then I will get her for you. But you are never 

never going there. Promise me.” 

But I-” 

Promise me,he says again

1 sigh heavily, kissing his lips. I promise.” 

Hello reader, this site has been shifted to a new site: writers.talentpoint.online. All updates are now available on the new site. I request all users to move to the new site, where new chapters are available. The new site name is writers.talentpoint.online.
Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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