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Billionaire One 190

Billionaire One 190

Chapter One Hundred Ninety 


I’m still pretty much dressed as I scoop Delilah up into my arms and hid her naked body close to my chest. Everything about her is positively perfect and before she can try to hide herself from me, I natch her wrists in one hand and take her sweet, pink lips into my mouth. Savoring the moment and longling my tongue with hers as I cally her into my bedroom and deposit her on my bed. There’s a sleepy satifaction in her eyes as she watches me, and it’s making my dick painfully hard. Tucking her in behind the thick down comforter and sheets, I stretch her long red mane out across the pillows and sigh and sigh

I should shower,she mumbles, her eyes drifting closed as her body sinks more heavily into my dreamcloud mattress

No,I say seriously. We’ll shower tomorrow. I want you to remain just how you are until morning.” 

Home I am?

What?she yawns, her eyelashes fluttering as 

ring as she gazes at the. How am 17” 

Exactly how I want you. Drenched in my scent. Soon, 111 mark you inside and out.” 

She snickers, her eyes closing as she turns onto her side, burrowing her face into one fluffy down pillow. That’s almost kind of gross you nasty Wolfe,she taunts me

The blanket falls away from her back for a moment and I’m treated to the sight of her elegantly curved spine and the plump, round goodness of her remarkable ass. I grunt, biting back a snarl as my eyes catch on the deep mauve of one mouthwatering aureola. Holy fuck, I still haven’t tasted her nipples yet. Fucking Domonk. It’s all his fault

He ruined the experience with his demands. I hardly got to taste her at all

Okay….nothat’s bullshit. it wisn’t ruined, it was actually pretty awesome, butit wasn’t the way I wanted things to go. I originally intended to take my time to explore her. Shit, I wanted to let her, explore met Fuck, she’s gorgeous and terribly unholy. Her breasts are proud, full, and perfectly round and her hipsher hips are truly one of God’s great gifts to mankind. Well, not mankind anymore, my kind now. That four dimensional heart that pops out of her waistline, is mine now. Not a single soul in all the world will ever touch them again. Just me. She’s already asleep and I want more than anything to strip off my clothes and join her, but I can’t

At least, not until I get back. Then, I will

For now, duty calls. I lock the balcony doors, shade the windows and dim the lights. I don’t like even the thought of someone peeping in while my Lilac is sleeping. Writing a quick note on a postit about where I’ve gone just in case she wakes up I stick it to the sliding glass door and head upstairs. My phone buzzes in my pocket with a text from Domonic telling me to hurry the fuck up and get to the bar. I know why he’s in such a hurry. He wants to get to his mate. He’s dying to check on Draven and that’s why he commanded me to hurry. It’s not like he can’t just call her on the phone, Sure he can. And he probably did. But Domonic is more important than everyone else and Domonic wants, what Domonic wants

He’s not actually supposed to even be heading to the packhouse, so why is he? His dad knows the way, he doesn’t need an escort

All that goddamned rushing I was doing trying to keep Delilah’s attention on my dick and off of her cell phone, just so that I could pocket. the damn thingcut in to my first time with her and made me feel like shit. I used sex with ory mate to steal her fucking cell phone. What a piece of shit I am. Not to mention that now I’m being forced to violate her privacy and basically, break her trust

Then again, she didn’t exactly trust me with it. I swiped it from her as undressed her on the patio. Slid it into my back pocket and did my very best to keep her mind an other things

Well, I succeeded. I doubt she even remembers she owns a phone right at the moment

Relax, Q. At’s not like you’re gonna keep the damn thing. Or snoop through. Check and see how many different guys she’s been talking to. No

one of that. Just gonna clone the device so that we can watch her every move is all.. 


Chapter One Hundred Ninety 

Fuck. If Delilah ever finds not about this I’m pretty sure it 11 

more duan an orgasm for her to forgive me. Shit, I might actually have to 

the her up to that the down lease I thoedd hune just offered to grah Cane’s phone number, not the whole damned phone. And if this stupid shit creates even one problem for me with Delilah I will personally tell Draven about the software Domonic has on her phone, my motherfucken self. I’ll tell her about how Demonic’s paranoid, otettive ass reads all her fucking messages and combs through her browser history like a goddamned crackhead. In fact, I think I do that anyway Haha

As I lock up the house, I take off for the bar on foot. More than a little inclined to take my sweet ass time, I pause my steps as my phone 

Wait a minute, my phone is on silent

That phone 

Fuck!” I curse, taking off down the hill at a dead sprint. I don’t stop running until I ve passed the docks and have made a right to head toward the bar. Then, after waving to a few locals that are still scattered about, I pull out Delilah’s phone. The name that flashes across the screen is not the one I imagined it would be

The phone reads Commander Cherkin 

What in the querday day fuck

As I step into the bar, I make the executive decision to answer her phone. You know, just in case this commander or whatever needs assistance. Or a spaceship

hit the accept button, and hold the phone to my ear, keeping quiet as I listen to the caller curse and then clear his throat

Delilah?An oddly familiar voice filters through the line. Hello? Delilah! It’s me


Dumbfuck?!I chortle, not really happy that he has my Lilac’s phone number

Maximus, you sonofabitch!Ted snarls. Didn’t my father shoot you? How in the fuck are you not dead?” 

Just a scratch I’m afraid, Dumbfuck. Your daddy might want to get his eyes checked.” 

You were five feet from him! Ted snarls

No shit. Like I said. Your daddy needs glasses, FYI he’s not exactly a spring chicken,I pull away 

1 busy myself blocking his number. How’s that toothache?” 

from the phone, putting it on speaker as 

Fuck you!Ted grumbles. I had to have three veneers put in this afternoon during an EMERGENCY dental appointment and not only are they shaped differently, but they don’t fucking match the rest of my teeth!” 

Rainier’s head swivels in my direction as he begins to laugh and Bartlett pours me a whiskey, which I accept graciously well, that’s an easy fix, Teddy. Just knock the rest of yours out and replace them with veneers. Or if you like, I can do that for you too.” 

What the fuck are you doing on Delilah’s phone?Ted growls out. Where is she? It’s imperative that I speak with her. Now.” 

Who the fuck talks 

s like that?Rainier chuckles. Who is that guy?” 

I sigh at the phone, ignoring Domonic’s glare as I answer Ted’s question Well, that’s too fucking bad because I can promise that you never speak to her again. And didn’t I just warn you about talking to her when I sharpened your look this afternoon?” 


Fuck you Maximus. I only need to speak to her about Cane. Where 

is the

She’s naked and fast asleep in my bed, but I’ll let her know that you called. Commander Gherkin.” 


Chapter One Hundred Ninety 

Commander Gherkin? What

Eat shit, Tex!I say as I hang up and follow Rainier into the back office 

The computer is online and ready to clone and Demonic takes a seat bind the desk then reaches for Delilah’s phone. I hand it to him warily and he shoots me an irritated look

Who was that guy?Rainier asks.. 

A big blond douche. Son of Elder Matthew,” 

One of the poachers?Domonic asks

Who the fuck is Commander Gherkin?Rainier inquires


guy,I say with

shrug. That’s the name Delilah had him under 

Bartlett snorts, Cute little nickname. He must be an ex or something.” 

I flinch. What? No. No way

Are you sure?Bartlett challenges me. Because the name Commander Gherkin pretty much says it all.” 

Says what all?Rainier and I both ask at the same time

Bartlett chuckles. You guys 

look at the screen

rys don’t know what a Gherkin 

nis, do you 

you?Bartlett asks, giggling as he peers over Domonic’s shoulder to take

Not a fucking clue,I say, taking the phone back after a successful image has been created on the PC

What is it?Rainier asks

Bartlett winks, his eyes flashing. A very tiny pickle,Bartlett says with a grin. I serve them all the time fact, right now, there are three jars of them under the counter out front.” 

me with beer platters and chips. In 

Those little pickles? They’re called Gherkins?” 


Fuck!1 growl out as the rest of my brothers start laughing. She’s seen his dick before. My sweet Mitle Lilac has been up close and personal with that dumbfucker’s tiny pickle. Why the fuck did I answer the phone? Why couldn’t I just mind my own business?” 

Welcome to 

ne to my world,Domonic says as 

as he switches seats with Rainier

After a few minutes of utter silence, minus the tippy tap topping of Rainier’s fingers over the keyboard, the computer dings with 


Hmm, Rainier says

What?Domonic asks, Did you get a location on Cane?” 

Yeah, I did,” Rainier says softly. Her last phone call to him, lasted just long enough to tell us that he’s in Idaho, not Blackjack, but that’s not what caught my attention. Commander Gherkin lives in Oregon, right? His dad’s the one that shot you?Rainier’s eyes go straight for 

Chapter One Hundred Ninety 

Yop. Elder Matthew muud his sols Tel Vermon 

Rainier tenses, then stands, his muscles flexing in his eyes swirl with r minutes ago come from a cell tower loss than ton milon awory.” 

What the fuck? I growl

Chapter Comments 


little pickles loll 

Hello reader, this site has been shifted to a new site: writers.talentpoint.online. All updates are now available on the new site. I request all users to move to the new site, where new chapters are available. The new site name is writers.talentpoint.online.
Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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