Chapter 21
I stood at the mirror, staring blankly at it after getting dressed in my brown cargo pants and white top. My hands went down, stretching out the wrinkles on my blouse before my gaze landed on the clock.
It was already 7:45AM and I was getting prepared to head to Somerville.
When Rhysand had sent a message yesterday, I was unsure of how to reply, and also didn’t want to leave his message on delivered without saying even a thank you.
So I thanked him and stupidly asked what I’ll have to do in return for the apartment he got for me, only to have my own message left on delivered.
I wasn’t accustomed with the idea of getting something from someone and not having them ask about something in return. The favor he helped me with was huge, cause not only did I not know where I’ll begin with on the search for an apartment, but I also wasn’t sure if I’ll be able to fund the cost.
I picked my phone from the table and checked to see if there was a message yet, but there was none.
Releasing a deep breath at the disappointment, my eyes trailed back to the mirror one last time before I picked my purse from the table and walked out of the room, on time to hear a knock on the door.
I wasn’t expecting anyone this morning, and I hardly had visitors so I presumed it must be Elli, cause other than him, no one else came here.
My legs moved over to the door, and I opened it, “I wasn’t expecting you to drop by this morn-” the moment my gaze landed on the stark long black coloured hair, hesitation filled me and I moved back, ready to shut the door on her face but Gabriella was quick to foresee my intentions as she immediately placed a hand on the door, stopping me from slamming it to her face.
My eyes fell on her hand which was placed firmly on the door, “What are you doing here?” I asked.
“I came to see my friend,” she shrugged, but her eyes never once moved from mine.
Hearing the word ‘friend‘ from her lips, irked me more than I would have wanted it to, “You are kidding me,” I tried to slam the door again but she was more in strength than me.
Realizing that there was no use in trying to close the door on her, I gave up and withdrew my hands, “Why are you here, Gabriella. I doubt we have anything to say to one another, do we?”
Gabriella gave me a smug smile, “Actually we have a lot to catch up on. A whole lot to talk about,” she acted like nothing was wrong. Acted like she wasn’t sleeping with my mate.
She looked so innocent that if someone had warned me that she had the audacity to hold a knife to my neck and slice it, all out of jealousy, I would never have believed.
Why she did what she did, I might never know.
For years, I had lived under the delusion that she was a good friend, a confidante, and the best out of the lot, but she proved
me wrong.
My heart constricted in my chest, “Just go straight to the reason why you are here in the first place.”
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Chapter 21
She stared at me for a long time before speaking up again, “I see you are dressed to go out, Where to?” she ignored my words and asked hers. Typical of her.
“You have less than ten minutes before I call the cops on you for trespassing.” Despite how smooth the words had come out of my lips, I doubted I would do that.
Not because of anything, but only because I had other plans. My growing hatred for her was beyond revival.
“You won’t,” she dared.
“Oh, why don’t you wait and see.” I told her with a smile, her smile fell from her face and she turned serious finally,
“How did you find out about Desmond and I?” She asked in a low tone.
There was a moment of silence, “You two were never discreet, I was just dumb for realizing it late,” I responded in honesty. Even in my past life, it was clear as day to anyone that they were having an affair, I just chose to ignore it.
She nodded slowly, “Why did you reject him at the mating ceremony?” she asked another question, staring at me deeply while waiting for an answer.
“Cause I’m not interested in him,” I trailed before adding, “Any longer.”
Gabriella’s brows pulled into a frown, “We both know that’s a lie. Up until last week you would have kissed his foot if he asked you to,” the bitter truth slipped out of her lips so smoothly and I found my chest tightening at how stupid I had been.
“That’s a lie,” I mumbled, tensing up as she took a step closer.
“We both know know that it isn’t,” she said.
“How long have you been sleeping with him?” I finally asked the question that have been lingering on my mind for a while.
It shouldn’t be my concern, it was just something that would end up fueling my rage.
“Huh? she asked me.
“You know what I’m talking about Gabriella, I stared blankly at her, “How long have you been having an affair with Desmond?”
She pursed her lips in thought, before responding, “It’s been almost two years now.”
My heart dropped at her words. Desmond was cheating on me with my then best friend and it took me so long to have found out.
I felt stupid, naive and so dumb. Rage fueled inside me with the thoughts of how much they might have laughed behind my back cause of my naivety.
“Why?” I asked before I could stop myself. Part of me didn’t want to know her reason anymore cause it would barely do any change, but another tiny bitsy part of me wanted to know, “Why did you sleep with him?”
My eyes locked onto hers. While anger danced in my eyes, there was no sign of remorse in hers.
She stared back at me, her hazel eyes bore into my soul, “Cause he was yours,” she finally said.
I nodded, trying to put my emotions at bay and wondering why I was still affected this way, “Then why are you here? what are you here for?” I muttered in a neutral tone.
Chapter 21
“I came to say hi, but you don’t seem very welcoming considering I’ve been standing outside for almost over 20 minutes.” Gabriella explained.
“That’s all?”
“No…” she drawled.