Chapter 24
Goodness gracious, Ralph,” the king breathed out when he finally got to see his Erasthat. She looked so beautiful and so much Le royalty than he ever would. She looked like she was born for this and while he could see the hesitation in her eyes, he knew he had made the right choice with her. She was his quern and hells be damaged if he would make things right for her. One by one, starting tonight.
* feeling like this was just one of those times
“Is it that bad?” Kalphine asked as the king stared at her. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her and that made her wonder if this was the right decision. She had grown up self–conscious and right now, she that she would be paraded before people to be judged. But was that really it?
“Bad? Oh hell no. Do you know how gorgeous you look right now? If you weren’t my crasthai, I would have fought your mate to the dead just to spend five minutes with you,” the Lycan king said earnestly, making Ralphine express her first clear emotion of the night. A beautiful blush rose up her cheeks and it took everything and the king not to kiss her and ruin her makeup just so people could see that she was taken and belonged right by his side.
“Thank you, I guess?”
Phine said, not sure how she was to respond to that No one had given her open compliments before, so it was all just so new to her. Maybe she would eventually get used to it, but until then, she would have to deal with whatever she was given at the moment the little shows of affection from a man even the devil could swear was worse than him.
“Here, please wear this for the sake of my sanity,” King Miroslav said as he took off a ring that he always wore with his necklace. It was always on his neck and Ralphine had noticed that it never left, not even when he was in training, she knew it had to be special to him, especially since it was the one thing that the King never let out of his sight. It didn’t matter what state Miroslav Ibrahimovich was in, that ring never left.
“Is meant for you. You’re my queen, Asmoria’s queen now. I can’t mark you yet, but I can let everyone know that you belong to me. Please, let me, Ralph,” the king said softly, the certainty in his voice so evident, almost like he had been planning this for a long while. Then again, with him it was hard to tell what was going on because one moment he was all good and the next, he was dropping bodies.
Ralphine stared at the King, as she tried to gauge what this was about. She had seen him change in the past few hours but this had to be the highlight of the night. Maybe there was a reason for this… who was she kidding, of course, there was a reason for this. The King just never did things for the sake of it, but right now she wondered if it was a good idea to let him. Then again, there was a different kind of privilege for belonging to him, so she let him.
“Okay,” Ralphine said as she showed her beautiful hands to the King who gladly inserted the ring. He loved what he was seeing. so much so that he kissed her hands just to remind himself that this wasn’t a dream, that this was a reality he had been hoping for for a while.
*Thank you, askim,” the King said, before he took her by the hand and walked her graciously down the hallways that were lit as Ralphine had requested earlier. It was almost like she was the light to his darkness, and goodness, the dark King wasn’t complaining one bit about it. He wanted this.
It didn’t take long for the King and his queen to make it to the party, after hours of being waited for. The visitors were curious what this was about, but then they had been patient, because either way, they wouldn’t leave until the Lycan King peace and why he wanted them there. Ralphine held onto the King’s hand tightly, especially when they walked in and all the eyes suddenly focused on her instead of the King.
“The King is here,”
“He looks different.”
“Goddess have mercy on that woman.”
“Do you think she’s like him?”
“Who is she?
Ralphine could hear their whispers, with most of them wondering who she was, while others just didn’t care they were here for the good time, or maybe they just didn’t want to make it obvious, given how unpredictable the barbaric King was. They couldn’t be blamed though, because one reaction that didn’t please the King would have them in the Asmoria dungeons and that place wasn’t pretty..
that the King and queen” someone shouted and everyone went into silence, before they began repeating the same words er and over as the King walked among them and headed towards his throne that was sitting pretty on the pavilion.
as a beautiful throne of dried thorns that looked uncomfortable and yet at the same time, looked alluring that could want to sit on it. But then not many would survive it. Perhaps that explained the horrors that came with the kingship. the kind of horrors that no ordinary being could take on. Miroslav was different, but was he?
Right beside the King’s throne, was the queen’s throne. And unlike the King’s seat, hers was soft, delicate like it was meant to be the best thing that ever happened to the Lycans. Everyone knew the theories of the thrones and perhaps that was why many of the leaders were shocked to see that someone was willing to be beside the devil himself.
“You look so beautiful tonight, askim,” Miroslav said to his queen as he sat her on her seat, before taking his. Everyone was looking at him like he was unreal, while he was thanking the goddess for the woman beside him. He knew everyone could smell his scent and claim on the queen so he didn’t have much to worry about, even though his eyes were scamming the crowd for one particular soul.
Drescher Volkov, the Koslov Beta.
“Good evening, everyone,” the Lycan King greeted his people and the leaders as he held on to his queen’s hands as if to remind her that she wasn’t alone in this. He didn’t want her to feel alone or pressured, because then, it would result in an unfortunate ending for the one who made her feel uncomfortable..
Tonight, King Miroslav didn’t want to shed blood, but he wanted to remind everyone that he had a queen now and that she was to be treated with utmost respect. Granted, his Lycans knew the rules by heart, but he just wanted to remind them just in case they forgot, because otherwise, he would ruin them without thinking twice. And he would enjoy every moment of it.
“Thank you for accepting my invitation to this special occasion. Tonight, I would like to introduce to you, my Erasthai and queen, Ralphine Belyaeva,” King Miroslav said to the lot that was now quiet. However, at the mention of his Erasthai’s name. he heard Drescher’s breath hitch along with that of his best friend, Alpha Rykar Koslov, and boy did the King love that
“The Lycans already know of her, and they know what is expected, which is why I wanted to introduce her to you, just in case you meet her out there and try to do shit with her. She is mine. Mine to love, mine to protect and mine to rule with. She belongs to me, just like I belong to her, in every single way. Now this may not seem appealing to most since I was the one who called you over, but I would like to remind you not to mess with what’s mine,
“We all know how possessive I am. Anyway, have fun, everyone we will be joining as time goes by the King said, adding the last bit with a slight laugh like he didn’t just threaten his visitors indirectly. He was extremely aware of what he was doing and he knew that there would be repercussions for everything that was going on here.
The Lycan King knew, especially when he saw beta Drescher’s eyes flicker and focus on the Lycan queen. King Miroslav was following the beta’s eyes, watching him watch his queen and the woman that he had hurt without thinking twice. He was waiting for the man to screw up so he could show them what it meant to be in power and have no one to call your shit. Perhaps this was a terrible idea or maybe this was the beginning of a new life for his queen right?
“Are you okay?” King Miroslav asked Ralphine who had been silent the entire time. He could see that her eyes were focused on Beta Drescher, and while he almost was jealous, he could tell that they were just blank stares, like she was wondering what she needed to do, especially with the man who hurt her standing a few feet away with a beer cup in his hands. Maybe she was just overthinking, but then was she, when her assaulter was in the same room with her?