Chapter 3
Olivia’s POV
A slap echo in the room. The sound register in my head before I feel the pain of the impact in my palm.
“You bastard! You son of a bitch! What do you take me for? Your plaything that you can dump and return to whenever you want? I should kill you for this“.
I raise my hand again to strike him but this time he catches it midair. He twists my arm behind me and pulls me to his chest.
I gasp in disbelief. I push against his chest but he draws me closer. His head comes crashing down and pin my lips to his. His kiss is hard and punishing but I find myself melting into it. My thoughts are jarred by the sound of the house phone ringing.
My body recoils but his grasp tightens on my waist, as he pulls me closer into his warm embrace. He whispers against my lips, “Let the machine take the message“. My senses swirl in hot desire and I surrender myself totally to his love.
“Lucian, it’s me Lyanna. I’ve been trying to reach you on your cell phone but it seems it is switched off. I got this number from Rowan and he is certain you must be at this address.
“Luce, I need you. You didn’t come home last night and the bed felt empty without you. You promised to be with me always. Please come home. Call me when you get this message“.
The sultry voice brings me back to reality. I don’t even have to hear her name to know that’s Lyanna. I feel so dirty. I can’t believe Lucian just made me “the other woman“.
Lucian reaches for me but I quickly turn away, to hide the gathering tears, threatening to fall.
“Liv, you know this is also hard for me. Ours has always been a forbidden romance. An Alpha and a
human! I didn’t care and still don’t care about what people would say. In fact nobody expected us to
last this long.
“You’ve always been a realist and practical, one of the reasons I love you. You don’t have to move out. You have no where to go and nobody to turn to. Whatever happens, you are still under my protection and it would be better if you stayed here. That would be one less burden for me, wondering where you are and if you are safe. I need to focus on Lyanna now. She needs me more
than ever“.
Chosen by the Moon: Rise of Female Alpha
Estiffen at the mention of her name. What about me?, I cried in my mind. Don’t I matter?
turn to him and I look into his beautiful dark eyes. Even when my heart’s breaking, his handsome
face still takes my breath away.
“Do you even hear yourself? Do you realise how callous you sound? Seven years! I’ve loved you for seven years with all of me, and what do I get in return? An IG post, showing my man getting married
to another woman, and you have the guts to placate me with an apartment?“, I cry out in anguish.
I take a deep breath to steady my nerves. I can’t afford to fall apart in front of him.
“Lucian, don’t do this to us. It’s not too late to stop this. I don’t know what I am going to do without
you in my life. I have nothing here to hang on to. I love you, Lucian“.
His eyes harden. I watch his jaws clench in resolve and his fists ball up in fury. I see him already
detaching from me. I am losing him.
“Liv, don’t make this any harder than it already is. There’s something between me and Lyanna that I can’t explain right now, but I do owe her a lot. I’ve loved Lyanna for twenty years and I feel like I failed her. I wasn’t there when she probably needed me, and I won’t abandon her now. Not for you, or for the pack. I will fulfil her dying wish and nothing you say will change my mind. Be patient and
you will have me to yourself forever“.
“I can’t believe you just tied my happiness and dreams to the coming death of your first love. You
are cruel and despicable. Get out!”
He looks at me with irritation. I watch him walk away and slam the door behind him. He didn’t even
look back once.
My chest burns. It feels like I am being ripped apart. I feel like there is a hole literally in my chest. So
this is how heartbreak feels?
I crumble to the floor and rock myself in slow motion. Heaving sobs escape my lips.
A deep growl comes from within me.
I am startled at the sound. Where did that come? Was Lucian back?
I race to the door but another growl stops me in my tracks. I remember I haven’t eaten since yesterday. Little wonder my belly’s protesting.
I quickly make a sandwich but it tastes like sawdust in my mouth. I gulp it down with orange juice, and clean up fast.
Chosen by the Moon: Rise of Female Alpha
had cleared my schedule, in preparation for my honeymoon, so 1 had nowy to do with my time. wander listlessly from room to room, absorbing Lacter’s are. I stopped at the window, daray
seeingly at the horizon.
The hair at the back of my neck rises. Someone is watching, ww. 1 scan the brow, wing for
- me. the familiar faces of Lucian’s men, but I see no one, I must be mayrény, flags
I shook my head in disgust. I need to get out of this place. His scent and aura is oververing me. I can’t think straight.
As I make my way through the bustling streets, I avoid the gazes of tamilar taors. Some were fill o pity, others were mocking. I pass by a bridal shop and my steps falter. My gaze falls on an exquisite wedding dress, showcased in front of the shop. The betrayal come nating back and it took all my will to force the tears away,
I suddenly notice a face through the reflection of the glass, staring at me intently, from across the street. His entire being looks like he was tuned to my movements. He wasn’t any of Luckett’s me that I was familiar with. In fact, I’ve never see this man before.
I turn to look at him and he ducks his head and walks on. Definitely Lucian must have sext him to tail me in case I leave the apartment.
Filled with irritation, I whip out my phone and dial his number. His deep voice resonated in my ears
“Quit tailing me, Lucian. You made your choice, and I don’t begrudge you that. But you have no right to put one of your men on me like a dog. What, am I a child? Stop this shit already“.
“What the hell are you going on about? Are you being tailed?“, he said impatiently.
I am filled with dread. He might have betrayed me but Lucian was no liar.
“I think I saw someone following me. I thought he was one of your men as usual protecting me.
scared, Lucian“.
A caustic laugh filled my ears.
“You don’t have to resort to these gimmicks to get my attention. I told you I needed to focus on Lyanna and you come up with this ‘damsel in distress‘ stunt to lure me away. I can’t say I am surprised but I am disgusted that YOU would stoop this low to have your way. I told you I was gonna call you when I can. Don’t call me again“.
My mouth is still hanging open when the sound of the click ends the call. The gall of him, thinking I was trying to lure him off his precious Lyanna. What an idiot I have been in love with!
Chosen by the Moon: Rise of Female Alpha
look around but the strange man is gone. I hasten my steps back to the apartment. I was hardly
side when a shadow flitted past the window. I glance up in time to see a figure move fast past the indow sill.
I am rooted to the spot in fear.
“Who is there? I will call for help if you don’t reveal yourself and your intentions. Whoever you are, you should know this apartment belongs to Alpha Lucian and he doesn’t suffer intruders lightly“.
I move cautiously to the window and peep out from behind the drapes. There’s no one there.
I sigh deeply in relief. It must have been a trick of the light. Maybe a bird flying across the face of the sun, and casting its shadow in my room.
A deep growl above me turns my blood cold. I slowly look up.
A huge wolf is staring down at me, its golden eyes glowing in the sunlight.