Chapter 46
Yu You can tell that I had a very uneasy sleep. I’m even surprised that I managed to fall asleep at all. How the hell did Caesar find out that Alistair was behind the attack?
Don’t get me wrong, my hatred for Alistair Blackwell has definitely skyrocketer since yesterday. But he’s the Supreme Alpha. What power do I have against him?
I fall into a deep uneasy sleep, my wolf exhausted after everything we’ve been through. I finally wake up hours later, feeling disoriented and groggy as hell when someone keeps calling my dame.
I open my eyes and blink in surprise when I find a young lady standing there. From her uniform, it’s obvious that she’s one
of the air hostesses.
“Hello, Mrs. Amaya, I sincerely apologize for disturbing you but we’ll be landing soon. The Alpha sent me to help you back to your
I slowly sit up and unable to resist, lift my arms above my head a very satisfying stretch. Then I take a closer look at the lady before me. She’s very beautiful with blonde hair and model like features, and she bears a very eerie resemblance to Elle.
I nod and give her an uneasy smile.
Thank you very much.”
I hurriedly wash my face and exit the room while the hostess is laying the bed. The moment I lay my eyes on Caesar’s dark hair, the nerves in my stomach return with a vengeance.
I don’t want to talk about Alistair. Not now, not ever. I hope he’s forgotten about it.
Caesar’s attention is firmly fixed on his iPad, so instead of returning to my former seat beside him, I take another seat as far away from him as possible.
I’m still struggling to get myself buckled in when a shadow falls over me and my wolf picks up an irresistible male scent.
My head snaps upwards to find Caesar Standing there with his hands fixed in his pockets, staring at me with an unreadable but very intense expression.
“What are you doing here?” He deadpans.
I frown, temporarily confused. “Uh, I… I didn’t want to disturb you, so.
“Have I ever said or even hinted that you’re disturbing me?” His voice is calm. Dangerously so.
“No, but…”
Without uttering another word, Caesar swoops forward and lifts me in his arms forthe second time in the past few hours.
A gasp of shock slips past my lips as I wrap an arm around his neck to keep myself from falling on my face.
“Caesar, what are you doing?” I sound as shocked as I feel.
He doesn’t say a word until we arrive at our original seat. Caesar proceeds to gently deposit me onto the seat and strap me in, then he takes his own seat and picks up his iPad once again. Without saying a single word.
Okay, I’m shocked and fuming. I inhale sharply and say through gritted teeth;
Chapter 46
“You know, just because we’re married now does not give your right to manliandle me whenever you want?
Caesar stiffeus.
He drops the iPad on his lap and turns to me, his eyes a dark and steely hue that sends tendrils of fear up my spine.
“What did you say?”
I swallow my fear and lift my chin.
“Did you ever stop to think that maybe I actually wanted to sit back there? Maybe I was more comfortable over there? Have 1 automatically lost the ability to make choices for myself just because we’re married?”
“Just because?” He growls quietly. “Do you think this marriage is a joke?”
Okay, I have no idea what he’s going on about and for the life of me, I cannot seem to read the man.
“Need I remind you that our marriage is just two signatures on paper, Mr. Manchester. I say saltily. “I’ll perform my duties as a mother to your daughter and pretend in front of her when have to. But that’s about it.”
A strange emotion flashes in Caesar’s eyes. “What if I said that I wanted more? How much extra do I need to pay?”
My heartbeat accelerates. I’ve just opened my mouth to speak when a high–pitched, girly voice interrupts me;
Sir, we’re landing soon. Please strap on your seatbelts.”
I look up.
take one look at the air hostess from earlier on and blink in surprise.
A strange, choking emotion unfurls in my chest as she smiles seductively at Caesar, leaning forward to pick up his wine tray
The top two buttons of her shirt are undone. Her lipgloss seems more shiny than when I first saw her in the bedroom, and her voice sounds softer and more seductive.
She shoots me a quick glance and I notice the displeasure in her eyes. It’s gone so quickly, but I know for sure that I didn’t imagine it.
Caesar seems not to notice that his employee is drooling all over him and literally eye–fucking him.
“Thank you, Nadine.” He says curtly, leaning back in his seat.
I wasn’t sure if the feeling in my throat was jealousy until Nadine leans closer and touches Caesar’s arm;
“You’re welcome, sir.”
Okay. Now, it’s settled alous
I thought my attraction to Caesar Manchester was merely physical. Unfortunately, my wolf snarls and growls at the sight of another woman touching him.
I fully expect Caesar to reprimand her for touching him, but he just looks at her a second too long and says:
“Get a bottle of water for my wife. Immediately.”
My chest swells with satisfaction when the light in Nadine’s eyeslim by a few hundred watts. Throwing another sub harsh look in my direction, she turns around and literally stomps away.
“Your employee doesn’t seem to like me very much.” I mutter. “wonder why.”
Chapter 461
Caesar catches the underlying meaning of my words because he turns to me and holds my gaze,
“What’s that smell?”
I tighten my lips. “I have no idea…..“
Suddenly, he leans forward, places his nose against the hare strip of skin on my chest and sniff’s me. I stiffen in shock and the rest of my words get stuck in my throat.
Caesar leans away so quickly, I barely get the chance to form a single word of protest.
“Jealousy.” He deadpans. “I smell jealousy.”
My checks and ears redden like they always do whenever I feel self conscious.
“I just pinpointed that your employee’s attitude was rude. How exactly does that make me jealous?”
Caesar raises a smug brow
“Let’s see. Your cheeks and ears are glowing red. Within the short time I’ve known you, I’ve learnt that that only happens if you’re anxious or jealous, Seeing that there’s nothing to be anxious about, I’ll go with the latter.”
Now I’m nervous. The man is one hundred percent at
His intense gaze falls on my lips and I feel a slow burning fire at the pit of my stomach.
I’ve never seen you bite your lips since I met you, but you’ve bitten your lips three times since Nadine was here.”
I swallow incredulously. Caesar Manchester is definitely psychic There’s no other explanation.
“Also, maybe you’ve forgotten that my sense of smell is more powerful than an average alpha. Just like I can scent your fear, I can also scent jealousy and pleasure.” His dark orbs turn smoky “So have I been able to convince you that you’re jealous, Mrs. Manchester?”
I don’t notice his moving fingers until they touch my cheek and trail down my face, leaving tendrils of electricity in its wake. My traitorous body reacts to him and my wolf purrs at his touch
When his wandering fingers touch my lips, I snap back to the present and lean away from him, clearing my throat.
“Why are we talking about me? Your employee was inappropriate.”
I know that I sound like a nagging wife, but I’d do anything to swing the attention away from my feelings which are currently all over the place.
“I’ll address it.” He says simply.
didn’t you address it when she touched you?” I blurt.
Realizing my mistake, I slap my palm over my lips. But Caesar salready heard me.
I’m just about to defend myself when a thought suddenly creeps into my mind.
“Hold on… were you and Nadine once together?” I ask, my voice quivering. “Did you ever sleep with her?”
Caesar’s silence is all the answer I need. He doesn’t even bother denying it, and that sends a painful pang straight thru..h my chest.
“Oh, wow. I’m sorry.” I mutter, looking away to hide my hurt. “You probably still have feelings for her and I had no right…
hapter 46
Caesar places his index finger underneath my chin, guiding my face until I’m looking into his eyes. Eyes that now blaze with annoyance.
“Don’t ever make assumptions without knowing complete facts, Firelly.
Yes, Nadine and I used to have sex. I’m not denying it, but that is all it was. Sex. Besides, it’s over now. We’re over now Understood?”
1 blink at him: “Why are you explaining? You don’t have to explain yourself. You can do whatever you want.”
His eyes burn into my face. When he speaks, his fresh, minty breath washes over me.
“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, Firefly
I still have so many questions, but just then, I notice movements over Caesar’s shoulder and look up to find Nadine standing there with her anger–filled gaze bouncing between Caesar and 1
This probably makes me look like a bitch, but what do I do? I lean into Caesar’s touch and smile warmly.
“Okay. I understand.”
He stares at me for a moment longer before backing away. When he notices Nadine, the warmth in his eyes disappears. Thanks for the water. Now drop it there and leave…”
The International Seagull is one of the most prestigious hotels in Male, the Maldivian capital city. The entire hotel had a bluish green, sparkling lake wrapped around it..
Located in a quiet, secluded part of the city, only few elite billionaires around the world are aware of its existence.
Our suite is gorgeous in every sense of the word. Watching the almost child–like excitement on Amaya’s face as she tours the balcony swimming pool, I do not regret paying twenty thousand dollars a night for our one month stay here.
I walk into the vast living room to find Amaya already helping herself to the huge tray of delicious smelling food that I had delivered to the suite.
Her eyes are shut as she savours the food, and those little sounds of pleasure send blood rushing to my cock in torrents.
I clear my throat and she freezes, holding a piece of crab halfway to her lips. Her face reddens in embarrassment and my chest swells with warmth. She’s beautiful Breathtakingly so.
“Um… I’m sorry. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to eat yet.”
Shit, she’s really embarrassed.
Amaya makes to stand to her feet but I mutter;
“Sit back down and eat. You need all the strength because we’re going shopping later.“.
She resumes eating without a second thought, proving me right. She was hungry
Shopping? May I ask why?”
1 blink in surprise.. “Isn’t that what ladies like to do on vacations? Shop?”
10:32 Fri, Dec b
Chapter 46
Her expression and chewing turns fierce and I’m left wondering I’d said something wrong,
“Women also like to go swimming and exploring on vacations. Why didn’t you ask me if I wanted to do any of those things?”
This woman confuses the heck out of me. “You’d rather visit a turist site than go shopping?” I’ve honestly never heard. something like this in my entire life. I really need to change my circle.
“I don’t mind shopping. I’m just saying that I’d also like to do other things” She looks up, “and yes, I noticed there’s only one bedroom. Are you going to take the couch, Alpha?”
I shrug. “No.”
She pauses, her brows lifting in surprise. “What? I mean, it’ll be too expensive for you to book another room..”
“And who said I was gonna book another room?” I ask, enjoying her look of surprise a little too much.
“We’re sleeping together in that room, on that bed, wife…”